
  • 7 Common Nail Conditions Linked to Serious Diseases That You Shouldn’t Ignore

    Nails are probably the most ignorant part of our body. Women do take interest to make their nails good attractive, but not much initiative is taken to improve the health of nails.

    A popular writer and author of Living Beauty (Fitzhenry and Whiteside) 2005, Lisa Petty quoted that nails are the one which endures the most in the situation where the body is not treated well.

    So, this Canadian writer, aging expert and nutritionist claim that nails are doorways to our body.The supplements which one consume are reached to the skin, hair and the end to nails. Thus, the nail can act as a mirror to the health issues in our body.

    It is amazing that just looking at the nails we can actually detect the health issues the person is going through. The brittle, yellow or ridged fingernails actually indicate the nutritional deficiencies and health problems like anemia or thyroid disease.

    The toenails and fingernails are made of keratin protein and are the exceptionally touchy piece in our body.The nails are shaped based on the combination of lymph vessels, grids, veins, and nerves.

    The shape of your nail depends on your genetic coding, whereas some of the qualities of nails are common to all. Like our nails are translucent and reflect the pink color of blood following through the tiny veins beneath it. It is nor fragile and feel smooth.

    You have to aware that lack of nutrients can make your nails stained, plain ugly and hard. In order to save your nails and your body from health issues, you can just make small changes in your diet and start to take supplements to support them.

    7 Regular Nail Conditions:

    1. White Spots

    The white spots on the nails due to insufficient zinc levels in the body. The natural source of zinc is pumpkin seed, peas, sesame seeds and red meat.

    2. Soft Nails With Curl Upward

    The soft nails with curl towards up direction are due to little iron in the body. The solution for this issue 325 mg of iron sulfate at least 3 times a day.

    3. Yellow Nails

    The yellow nails are the result of a deficiency of vitamin E in the body. The solution for this issue is very simple, you just have to start the supplement of vitamin E. The natural source of vitamin E consists of sweet potatoes, peanuts, hazelnuts, wheat germ oil and almonds which you can add in your daily diet.

    4. Split or Brittle Nails

    This condition of nails is due to lack of moisture and vitamin B in the body. To resolve this issue You can start the intake of gelatine, calcium supplements, and colloid minerals to get rid of this condition. For pregnant women biotin can be dangerous, thus one should not take this supplement without the instruction of a physician.

    5. Vertical Ridges

    The malnutrition or deficiency of vitamin and minerals are reflected through the vertical ridges. You can use almond oil and chamois buffer and polish your nails. Do this 2-3 times a day. Do not go for ridge fillers as it consists of synthetic chemicals in it.

    6. Horizontal Dents or Ridges

    The horizontal dents are actually a sign of nutritional deficiencies, high fever, psoriasis or can cause due to trauma after surgery. The supplements of protein and vitamin A are advised by Petty to cure this condition.

    7. Fungus

    The frequent exposure of nails to warmth and dampness leads to fungus issue in the fingernail. The greenish, yellow or messy look of nails indicates the fungal infection. You can use tea tree oil soak to get rid of the fungal infection in the nail.
    At What Point You Should Be Concerned

    Here are some health indication of nails which are serious and you should get a medical help for such conditions.

    • Blue nail beds indicate issues in blood flow
    • Fragile nails indicate hypo- or hyperthyroidism
    • Upward-bending nails lead to thyroid infection
    • Yellow nails represent the chronic bronchitis
    • White nail beds indicate liver infection
    • Red nail beds lead to coronary illness

    In the above condition, you must go for a health check up and treat the issues on the immediate basis.

  • If You Have Sciatica or Back Pain, Take This Remedy and You’ll Never Suffer Again!

    The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in our body. Sciatica is the pain experienced in the lower back, legs, and buttocks, and it is one of the most common back issues.

    This pain is usually caused by a pinched or irritated sciatic nerve. Despite the debilitating pain, this condition is also manifested by tingling and numbness in the legs.

    Medications specialized for sciatica pain provide only temporary effects, so experts recommend regular exercise and yoga stretches as the best way to treat it.

    These are the most common symptoms of sciatica:

    • Aggravated sitting
    • Pain in the lower back or one side of the hip, which goes down to the buttocks and leg(s)
    • Constant pain in the buttock
    • Tingling in the leg(s)
    • Stabbing pain which aggravates moving and standing
    • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the foot or leg

    We will recommend the following homemade remedy for sciatica, which effectively soothes these symptoms. This is how to prepare it:

    Sciatica and Back Pain Remedy


    • 200 ml. Milk
    • 4 cloves of garlic
    • Honey (to taste)

    Method of preparation:

    First, crush the garlic cloves, and cook them on low heat. Gradually add the milk while cooking, and as soon as it boils, remove it from heat. You can add honey to sweeten it in the end if the garlic taste is too strong for you.


    You should consume this remedy once daily, and the effects will be felt really soon. Garlic has potent anti-inflammatory properties which will soothe the sciatica symptoms and prevent swelling of the sciatic nerve.

    To accelerate the healing, you should combine the use of this remedy with regular exercise and stretches.

  • Put Some Baking Soda in Your Private Part and See What Happens

    There are hundreds of intimate hygiene washes in the markets that guarantee to keep your private parts healthy and smell-free.

    Before you try any of them, remember that they’re packed with chemicals that can actually do harm to your delicate area.

    Why don’t you make your own intimate wash? It’s super easy, extra cheap and it doesn’t contain any chemicals. All you need is baking soda. This miraculous white powder will help you fight vaginal infections and keep your private parts odor-free.

    A woman’s private area is a little acidic in nature with a pH level of 3.5-4.5. When the level goes up or down, problems occur.

    Some of the problems that occur due to pH level imbalance include: excessive vaginal discharge, yeast infections, itching, foul odor and painful intercourse.

    Baking soda can help you restore your pH balance because it’s alkaline in nature. When an alkaline substance is mixed with something acidic, it neutralizes it.

    This means that when you use baking soda to wash your private parts, the baking soda will bring your vaginal pH balance to optimum level.

    Here’s how to use baking soda to improve your vaginal health:

    1. Private parts wash
    In a mug, mix some lukewarm water and 2 tsp of baking soda. Use the mixture to clean your entire intimate area. Once you’ve cleaned your private parts with the mix, wash it again with some water and pat dry it.

    2. Bathing salt
    In a bucket filled with lukewarm water, add ½ cup of baking soda. Pour the mix in your bathtub and soak your lower body for at least 20 minutes. Take a shower and pat dry afterwards.

    3. After our periods
    Menstrual blood has a 7.5 pH level and makes the area dry and itchy. Always do a soda wash after your period is done to restore pH balance.

    4. Hormonal fluctuation
    Menopause and other health issues can disrupt the pH balance of your private parts. Baking soda can definitely help you here.

    5. If you’re smelly and itchy down there
    This might indicate that you’re suffering from a yeast infection. Use the baking soda solution to soothe the problem. Sometimes this can also be an indication of a serious gynecological problem that needs to be checked by an expert.

  • She Rubs Aloe Vera On Her Hair. What Happens After 5 Minutes Will Surprise You!

    If you think your hair does not grow as fast as other people’s, then this article is for you. We are going to write about an amazing Indian formula for fast hair growth and you are going to love it. This recipe is easy, simple, and effective.

    First you will need some coconut oil and some castor oil which you can find in almost any store. Then, get some vitamin E capsules which you can find in some medicine shops, and some Aloe vera leaves and a bowl.

    Start by cutting the aloe vera leaf. Remove the thorns and slice it very nicely from the center. Then, run a knife or a fork through the gel for a few times so you can scrape the gel very easily.

    Now take the leaf and massage it on your scalp. You can massage it randomly and then use your fingers to make sure that your entire scalp is covered very well.

    Next, take about 1 tablespoon of castor oil and to that add about one and a half to two tablespoons of coconut oil. Now, take one vitamin E capsule and very gently pierce it with a needle or anything that is pointy.

    Take this oil mixture and place it in a bowl with hot water. Don’t place this oil directly on fire or microwave because it can be extremely dangerous and to catch fire.

    After 5 minutes your hot oil should be ready to be applied to your hair.

    Simply take this oil on your fingertips and massage it into your scalp like you would do any regular head massage. Do it for 5 minutes.

    After those 5 minutes you can rest your head on any comfortable surface and you can use a pillow too. Start massaging your scalp very gently. This is very important because it improves blood circulation and helps hair growth. Do this for 2-3 minutes. Once you are done, just tie your hair up in a very tight braid.

    Leave it overnight and wash off your hair the next morning.

    A very good idea is to just store this mixture in a bottle and apply it 4-5 times a week.

    By doing this method, your hair growth will definitely increase by 40-50 percent. You will notice big difference very soon.


    The function of the kidneys is extremely important for our health, as they filter 120-150 quarts of blood daily.

    Therefore, these organs, located below the ribs, maintain the blood stable, prevent the accumulation of waste and fluids in the body, stabilize the electrolyte levels, produce red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and strengthen the bones.

    Yet, they often suffer from damage, which causes huge complications. Therefore, it is extremely important that you know the signs of kidney damage in order to prevent further health issues and treat the problem on time.

    These are the most common symptoms of improper function of the kidneys:


    Damaged kidneys often lead to swellings in the body, especially in the leg, ankle, hand, face, and feet areas. The body cannot remove the accumulated waste and fluids and they cause swellings

    When healthy, kidneys produce the hormone EPO (erythropoietin), which forms red blood cells. These cells are needed for the proper supply of oxygen throughout the body.

    In case the number of red blood cells is lowered, the person often experiences muscle damage, severe anemia, fatigue, and brain damage.

    Skin Rashes

    These are some additional early signs of kidney damage:

    • Urination changes (a reduced amount of urine)
    • Pale urine color, frequent, and in large amounts
    • Foamy urine
    • Dark urine, less frequent urinating and with small amounts
    • Pressure during urinating
    • Troubles urinating
    • A great urge to urinate during the night

    Recently, there is no doubt that the popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed, and there is a great reason for that. Actually, there are at least 127 good reasons for it!

    Coconut (C. Nucifera) is a part of the Arecaceae (Palmae) family and belongs to the subfamily Cocoideae. Its flesh is rich in healthy acids, and its composition of fat may vary depending on its processing process and type.

    Namely, medium-chain saturated fatty acids are around 90% of its content, combined with a small portion of polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids.

    The human body easily digests, absorbs and uses medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFA’s), as they freely cross the blood-brain barrier in the unbound form, meaning that they may be used to promote neurological health and provide energy.

    Virgin (unrefined) coconut oil is extremely useful, and at the same time, it is tasty, cheap, readily available, and entirely natural. Moreover, it has powerful health-promoting properties, such as:

    •     Anti-inflammatory properties
    •     Antioxidant properties (prevents the formation of free radicals and the damage they cause)
    •     Anti-microbial/ Infection-fighting properties ( it effectively kills viruses, yeast, bacteria, protozoa and parasites)
    •     It enhances the absorption of nutrients (it is easily digestible; and makes fat-based vitamins, like vitamin K, E, D, A, more available to the body)
    •     It is nontoxic to both, animals and humans
    •     Powerful anti-carcinogenic properties (inhibits the spread of cancer cells and boosts the immune system)

    Therefore, this oil is absolutely remarkable for use in numerous cases.

    Internal Health Problems

    If taken internally, coconut oil prevents, alleviates and helps numerous health issues, as follows:

    1.Chronic and adrenal Fatigue

    2.Diabetes – coconut oil prevents food cravings and stabilizes blood sugar levels

    4.Cystic Fibrosis and Bronchial Infections

    5.Asthma – in both, adults, and children

    6.Acid Reflux/ Indigestion – In this case, consume coconut oil after meals

    7.Mild Depression and Cognitive Disease –In this case, take coconut oil in combination with fish oil, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), and other treatment methods

    8.Bowel function –gut infections, constipation, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)

    9.Cancer – Studies have demonstrated that coconut oil prevents breast and colon cancer


    11.Candida Albicans

    12.Allergies – seasonal hay fever

    13.Cholesterol – improves the ratio of HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol)  in individuals with high cholesterol levels

    14.Gas – The imbalance of bacteria in the gut often leads to foul gas. This oil has mild anti-microbial properties and thus re-establishes healthy gut flora

    15.Colds and Flues – Coconut oil has potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties  and is extremely useful in case of colds and flu

    16.Flaky, dry skin- Insufficient amounts of oil lead to dandruff and dry skin

    17. Poor Circulation – If you constantly feel cold or in the case fo edema, particularly in the extremities, apply this oil to the skin in a circular motion towards the heart.

    18.Gallbladder Disease – Dietary oils raise the bile flow, which is beneficial in the case of  gallbladder problems

    19.Kidney Disease and Stones – it is really helpful as it dissolves small stones in the kidneys

    20.H. pylori – In this case, take coconut oil orally.

    21.Epilepsy – Coconut oil may effectively reduce epileptic seizures

    22.Hemorrhoids – You should apply coconut oil externally or internally two times a day

    23.Irritable Bowel Syndrome – alternating diarrhea and constipation are key signs of IBS

    24.Hot Flashes

    25.Menstruation Relief – This oil alleviates pain, heavy blood flow, and cramps

    26.Liver Disease

    27.Heart Disease – it provides protection for arteries from injury that leads to atherosclerosis

    28.Lung Disease

    29. Tooth Decay and Periodontal Disease

    30.Mental Clarity

    31.Immune System Builder


    33.Migraines – In this case, you ought to use it regularly


    35. Bladder Infections and Urinary Tract Infections

    36.Thyroid Function – it provides regulation in case of overactive or underactive thyroid gland

    37.Prostate Enlargement – BPH- benign prostatic hyperplasia

    38.Stomach Ulcers – it soothes the stomach lining and reduces the growth of H. pylori



    Topical Health Problems

    The topical use of coconut oil  relieves, treats and helps in the case of the following health conditions:

    41.Athletes Foot


    43.Decongestant – If you are congested due to an allergy or a cold, you should rub some  coconut oil on the chest and under your nose

    44.Pink eye – You should apply coconut oil to the eye and around it

    45.Allergies/Hay Fever – For fast relief, you should rub a little coconut oil inside the nostrils, and the pollen will cling to the oil.

    46.Head Lice – Apply it topically

    47.Herpes – You should take it orally and apply it topically

    48.Ear infection – It fights the infection, and in order to reduce the pain, you should pour several drops of coconut and garlic oil inside the ear two times during the day

    49.Cysts and boils

    50.Hives – Coconut oil lessens the swelling and itching

    51.Acne – The skin which is susceptible to acne, is often excessively dry, meaning that your glands produce much oil and clog the pores.

    52.Sore Muscles and Back Pain

    53.Toenail Fungus

    54.Gingivitis, Gum Disease, Canker Sores – You can rub it directly on the gums, or use it as a toothpaste

    55.Circumcision healing – Coconut oil are helpful in the healing

    56.Genital Warts – In most cases, genital warts vanish on their own after 2 years of the initial infection, but if you use coconut oil topically, you will cure them after 6-month treatment

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  • 5 Types of Belly Fat and How to Get Rid of Them the Harmless Way

    With summer around the corner, there are few who are preparing themselves conscientiously to eliminate those extra stomach fat kilos… For that reason, today we wanted to go into one of the areas where the fat usually gets embeded more often in both men and women: the belly!

    You may have tried everything, and that for more weight and volume that you have lost your belly is still there. In these cases, the first thing to do is identify the type of fat belly and why it is there! Knowing this, it will be easier to say goodbye to fat belly:

    All of the Different Known Types of Belly Fat in one Place

    Fat Belly which main cause is Alcohol

    Alcohol is the cause of the interesting belly fat that causes back pain, feel of hunger, and ignites the desire for harmful sugary foods. Alcohol is the culprit of this type of belly fat, and it totally doesn’t matter if it is big chunk of it or small. Be it a can of beer, or wine and other alcoholic beverages, they are the main culprits in preventing the body from metabolizing food properly or undermining the liver’s ability to burn fat. Keep in mind also that alcohol has high caloric values that contributes even more to increasing belly fat level! Follow along with how to get rid of beer belly fat steps.


    1. Say goodbye to alcohol consumption or try to avoid drinking it.
    2. Go out and exercise to burn fat.
    3. Eating more fruits, vegetables is a must!

    Postpartum Fat Belly ( after giving birth)

    After giving birth, in many cases, the fat seems to have established permanent residence in the womb! Even after losing the baby’s weight, you may still have a belly. This could be due to the diastasis recti, a cause for the abdominal muscles to separate and the tissues to stretch. The insulin levels also increase during pregnancy. Therefore, it may be that you are accumulating fat in your abdomen. In these cases, it is best to consult a specialist to rule out diabetes. Read below on beneficial steps on how to get rid of postpartum belly fat.


    1. Stop doing sit-ups, since they annoy and prevent the natural body healing of  the diastasis of recti.
    2. Visit the doctor if the lump is accompanied by back, pelvic or even stomach pain!
    3. Walking and doing exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor and core; look for programs that are aimed at diastasis.
    4. Some patients may require surgery or a physiotherapist.

    Stress as Belly Fat Main Cause

    Cortisol is one of the compounds that our body releases when we are subjected to daily stress. This is directly connected to the weight gain, since it forces the body to store visceral fat, but it can also cause anxiety and, therefore, cause us to eat more than necessary. This fat usually gathers around the waist and causes sagging in the abdomen. Sleep patterns can also be a form of stress not so obvious.


    1. Rest more. Go to bed early to help regulate metabolism.
    2. Avoid junk food and overeating; Take care of sweet and salty foods. Caffeine raises cortisol levels.
    3. Enjoy a healthy breakfast to avoid anxiety and mood swings.
    4. Practice exercises such as yoga or meditation that help relieve stress.

    Fat Belly due to Hormonal Imbalances in the Body

    Hormonal levels can sabotage our efforts to get rid of our excess fat! Several studies indicate that if you are male and your testosterone levels are below 300 ng / dl, this may indicate metabolic syndrome, which is characterized, among other things, by the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

    However, if you are a woman and your testosterone values ​​are above 70 ng / dl, it may be one of the signs of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). This syndrome is usually accompanied by hirsutism, insulin resistance and a tendency to accumulate fat in the belly.


    1. Eat healthy fats like Omega 3 and 6.
    2. Increase the intake of fiber -fruits, vegetables, vegetables- to lose fat.
    3. Reduce the consumption of dairy products and foods that cause bloating.
    4. Light exercise, such as walking or yoga, will help maintain low levels of stress (cortisol).

    Bloated Fat Belly

    Do you wake up in the morning with a flat stomach, but does it end up expanding as the day goes by? The causes of this type of abdomen can be gas, intolerance to certain foods / allergies, imbalances in the intestinal flora or bad digestion.

    Do you notice that after eating you feel very bloated? It could be gluten intolerance or we are not eating enough fiber. Experiment eliminating a meal or two (pasta, corn, yeast, etc.), to discover what foods could be causing problems. Follow the recommendations below on how to get rid of bloated (hanging) stomach fat.


    1. Take probiotics to help the intestinal flora.
    2. Stay well hydrated throughout the day to help a more favorable digestion.
    3. Try to do exercises that involve the diaphragm and deep breathing.
    4. Increase fiber intake with fresh vegetables, nuts, legumes and fruits.

    Stomach Fat if not Treated Properly, is a Cause for Serious Health Issues

    Needless to say, the most advisable in these cases, especially if you have doubts about why you are not able to lose weight, is to put yourself in the hands of a doctor. Extra abdominal fat can be a precursor to diseases such as diabetes, heart problems and even cancer. Hope the steps above helped many of you find ways to get rid of belly fat instantly and in a harmless fashion.

  • The Oil That Removes Uric Acid From The Blood, Cures Anxiety and Stops Alcohol and Cigarette Cravings

    Since ancient times, spices have been considered as very powerful ingredients because of their numerous medicinal properties.

    Black pepper is one of those spices whose properties never cease to amaze us.

    Especially when used as an essential oil, this one-of-a-kind spice can do amazing things for your overall health and well-being.


    This essential oil has antibacterial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, carminative, diuretic, laxative, stimulant, and antiseptic properties. These are only some of the advantages of consuming it on a regular basis:

    Fight off infections- the antibacterial properties of this oil can treat insect bites and infections. When regularly consumed, it will cleanse the arteries and decrease the risk of atherosclerosis.

    Prevent damage caused by free radicals- black pepper is known to have the antioxidant properties that can prevent or treat free radical damage and thus, protect you from liver and heart disease, but cancer as well.

    Soothes the stomach– black pepper can increase the hydrochloric acid secretion and thus, better the digestion. Having a healthy digestive system is vital for prevention of colic, diarrhea, and constipation. It will also prevent intestinal gas and encourage sweating and urination, which will result in expelled toxins from the body.

    Benefits the neurological health– one of the main compounds of black pepper, piperine, can lower cognitive malfunction and memory problems.

    Brings respiratory relief– black pepper has the power to alleviate sinusitis and nasal congestion since it can dissolve mucus and phlegm stuck in the respiratory tract.

    Good for the skin– black pepper can treat vitiligo, a condition that causes certain areas of the skin to become white. This is because piperine encourages pigment production.

    Contributes to weight loss– the outer layer of peppercorn contributes to a breakdown of fat cells, which is great for shedding fat and losing weight in a completely natural way.


    The benefits of black pepper essential oil are conditioned by the way you consume it. Some of the ways for consumption are inhalation, topical application, or ingestion.

    When inhaled, it will relax the mind and body and lower mental stress and the stress associated with quitting smoking. If you take it orally, for example, by adding it to barbecues, steak sauces, etc. this essential oil will cause urination and sweating, which are great for the body because it removes toxins through these processes.

    Black pepper will also stimulate bile production in the stomach and result in healthy digestion. When applied topically, together with carrier oil, black pepper will relax the muscles and reduce cramps and pulls. It will also encourage the removal of uric acid from the blood which is great for people who suffer from rheumatism, gout, or arthritis.

  • She Poured Listerine On A Cotton Ball And Then Rubbed Her Armpits With It. The Results She Got Were Amazing

    When Listerine was invented it had the sole purpose of cleaning your mouth from bacteria, it was being used as a surgical antiseptic at the time it was invented but now it’s finding its purpose in other things as well. It became marketed as a mouthwash against bad breath in the early ’70s.

    You can use it in different ways around the house:

    Disinfect the toothbrush.

    Soak your toothbrush in some Listerine and leave it for a few hours to disinfect it.

    Cleaning the toilet bowl.
    Scrub the toilet with some Listerine and it will kill off the bacteria and give it a fresh smell.

    Eliminate the bad odor from garbage bags.
    Soak some paper towels into Listerine and put it into the garbage bag to get rid of the bad smell.

    Clean your TV or Computer Screen
    Spray a bit of Listerine on a soft cloth and wipe the fingerprints and dust away from the screen.

    You can use it to treat toenail fungus.
    Add some Listerine in warm water and soak your feet for 30 minutes to one hour. The results are great.

    Listerine can help you get rid of dandruff
    Massage your scalp with Listerine and wrap your hair in a towel, and afterward rinse with clean water.

    Clean your face to fight acne.
    If you apply Listerine twice a day on your face, it will become clear and get a nice glow.

    It can be used to eliminate bad body odors and underarm bacteria.

    Soak a cotton ball in Listerine and rub it under your armpit so you can eliminate the bad smell.

    We hope you found some useful purposes of Listerine you didn’t know about!

  • Soak Paper In Apple Cider Vinegar. Then Wrap Your body!

    Summer is a favorite time of year for outdoor play and adventure. Unfortunately, camping trips and bicycle rides can often lead to nasty cases of poison ivy, oak, and sumac.

    According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the itchy, blistering rash caused by these plants results from an oil called urushiol. The sticky oil is found in the leaves, stems and roots, and easily sticks to skin and clothes.

    A poison oak, ivy, or sumac rash is not contagious. It is, however, extremely uncomfortable for the afflicted person. Symptoms include redness, itching, swelling, and blisters.

    Rashes caused by poison ivy, oak, or sumac typically heal on their own within a few weeks. But why would you patiently suffer through the pain? You can make the rash less irritating and quicken the recovery process by following these 8 home remedies (with products from your kitchen):

    1. Turmeric and lemon juice.

    Natural News swears by the home remedy of mixing equal parts turmeric (get here) and lemon or lime juice (get here). Apply the thick paste to the rash and let it soak in for fifteen minutes. You will likely be amazed by the fast and effective results.

    2. Cucumber.

    You may laugh at the image of a beauty queen relaxing with cucumbers on her eyelids. But cucumbers do in fact have cooling properties. Reader’s Digest recommends placing cucumber slices directly on the rash, or applying mashed cucumber as a sort of paste to the affected area.

    3. Baking soda.

    Reader’s Digest recommends mixing three teaspoons of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of water, and applying the homemade paste to the itchy, blistering area. The solution will dry and flake off. You can also dip gauze pads in a larger quantity of the solution and apply them to the rash for ten minutes, four times daily. Baking soda is available for purchase here.

    4. Oatmeal.

    Oatmeal can help draw out the poisonous serum in blistering rashes. It can also help dry sores and soothe inflammation. To benefit from oatmeal, The Wall Street Journal recommends pouring oats in a bath and taking a soak, or using oats as a compress applied directly to the rash.

    5. Buttermilk.

    The proteins in buttermilk can help drain fluid from poison ivy blisters. They can also soothe itchiness. DIY Health Remedy recommends mixing equal parts salt, buttermilk (get here), and vinegar, and applying the homemade solution to the itchy, blistering rash. You may feel instant relief. If you find heat helps soothe the itchiness, you can also mix buttermilk with warm water and use this to wash the rash.

    6. Watermelon rind.

    Next time you eat a watermelon, keep the rind. You can use it as a cold compress to help relieve the itching caused by poison ivy, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal.

    7. Apple cider vinegar.

    Reader’s Digest explains apple cider vinegar can actually kill the poison that causes the rash. To use this life hack, soak a brown paper bag in apple cider vinegar, and then place the bag on the rash. This could effectively draw out the toxins. Apple cider vinegar is available for purchase here.

    8. Dish washing Liquid.

    At the first sign of a poison ivy, oak, or sumac rash, rub dish washing liquid (get here) onto the affected area. Do not wash off the liquid and continue washing the rash with dish washing liquid once a day until the rash disappears. According to Natural News, this method is also helpful for treating mosquito bites.

    Don’t let poison ivy, oak, or sumac ruin your summer holiday! Use these home remedies and you may find instant relief.