
  • This Mixture That Will Make Your Home Smell So Wonderful… Your Neighbors Will Envy You

    There is not anything more pleasant that a house with a wonderful fragrance all around. Even though many people are not aware of it, odor affects our mood. Therefore, if you want to relax, your home should have an abundant fragrance.

    Nevertheless, if the odor in our home is unpleasant and strong, it will make us feel uncomfortable. Unluckily, we cannot always have a wonderful fragrance in our homes.

    For example, after chopping onion we cannot get rid of the unpleasant odor in any way. In order to eliminate the odor, most housewives buy air fresheners, which only hide the odor. But when their effect goes away, the odor reappears.

    Fortunately, in this article, we are going to show you how to make a natural flavoring, which is more effective than air fresheners. You spray your home with it and the pleasant smell will remain for a long period of time.

    Even your guests will love it. It is really easy to prepare it and the ingredients necessary for this flavoring are not expensive.

    Follow the instructions below to prepare it in the right way.


    You will need these ingredients:

    • One spray bottle.
    • One tablespoon of baking soda.
    • Three cups of lukewarm water.
    • Three tablespoons of fabric softener.

     Preparation method and use:

    • Put the three tablespoons of fabric softener in the spray bottle.
    •  After that, add the three cups of lukewarm water in the bottle.
    •  Finally, add one tablespoon of baking soda and close the bottle.
    •  Shake the bottle well until the ingredients are mixed.
    •  Spray the mixture all over your house.

    Except this natural flavoring, there are other home-made products which you can use to refresh your home. In addition, we are going to show you how to prepare a home-made fabric softener, so that you can save money. With this fabric softener, your clothes wil have a unique aroma.


    You will need these ingredients:

    •150 – 200 ml of hot water.
    • 10 g. of baking soda.
    • 800 ml of apple cedar vinegar.
    • 20 drops of essential oil (your choice).
    • 3.5 l plastic container.

    Preparation method and use:

    It is really important that the plastic container is large. If the container is small, the fabric softener grows and you will spit it out of the container.

    • Pour the hot water in the plastic container.
    • Add the apple cedar vinegar and the baking soda. The chemical reaction will create bubbles, but do not worry, it is normal.
    • When the bubbles go away, put the mixture into an empty bottle of fabric softener.
    • Add a few drops of essential oil.
    • Finally, stir it and store it on a dark, cool place.

    You can use this natural softener by adding it in washing machine or in the soaking clothes. In fact, you use it in the same way as the commercial clothe softeners. This fabric softener will make you clothes keep the fragrance for a long period of time.

    You can prepare these natural products instead of buying commercial one, which full of chemicals. You will be impressed when you try them? Which one would you try first?

  • What Does Your Sitting Position Reveal About Your Personality

    There are psychologists who studied body language and human behaviour, and they claim that how we sit could reveal a lot about our intentions and personality.

    When we sit down, we sit down unconsciously, but through our sub consciousness our instincts and intentions could be revealed.

    The following are the most common sitting positions and ways how the people place their legs while they are siting, which could reveal their secret intentions.

    Position 1

    Persons who sit on this way are usually very easy to communicate, they are led by the idea that a problem could be solved by itself. Sometimes they could appear childish, but they are anything but dull.

    The main characteristic for this sitting position is that these individuals are dependably the first to state something, and after that they consider what they have said and the outcomes of the things they have said.

    Position 2

    Persons who sit this way are very often referred as dreamers. They could be very creative and being in their company will never make you feel bored.  These people are fun and they always come up with some new interesting ideas.

    Position 3

    The people who sit this way know what comfort means. They are not going to spend a lot of time to look perfect, but they will still look as they actually do spend a lot of time doing that. 

    Choosing the perfect perfume or face cream could be very difficult for them. Clothing their attitude is complex since they can get very picky about that thing. The other persons look at them as they are chaotic but that’s not true, since they know where everything is and where they have put it.

    Position 4

    Persons who sit like this are irritated by those people who are not punctual. They are sensitive, intelligent, and prefer peace over conflicts and quarrels.

    When the person sits on this way, having the legs connected, and relying on the entire foot, you are dealing with a direct, open, and possibly a bit insolent

  • She Put Exactly 14 Eggs In Ice Cube Tray Left It In The Freezer For 2 Hours When She Saw What Happened Next She Decided To Do The Same Thing Every Day

    The taste of frozen eggs is similar to the taste when they are thawed. So, grab more eggs when they are on sale or use them up when you have a lot about to expire too.

    When you need them, simply let them stay at room temperature and you can use them in any recipe. For instance, you can use them for baking, breading chicken, scrambled eggs, and french toast.

    All you have to do is take an ice cube tray, crack the eggs and add them to it without using any kind of spray or oils. Next, you should place the tray in the freezer and freeze until the eggs are frozen solid (approximately 2 hours).

    Once they are frozen you can remove the eggs from the container. In case they are stuck, let them sit in warm water for 1 minute and they will pop right out. Then, you can store them in a gallon sized freezer safe bag and keep them up to a year.If you prepare recipes which require only egg whites or egg yolks, then consider freezing them already separated.

    So, besides freezing ice and eggs, there are several other ingredients you should freeze. These are some of the perfectly suited foods for freezing in an ice cube tray.

    You can store about 2 tablespoons of stock and use it afterward for reheating leftovers or making a sauce.

    Did you notice that when you drink ice coffee, you get a coffee-flavored water?
    By storing coffee in the ice cube tray and later adding it to our coffee, you will get strong iced coffee.

    If you often find yourself with leftover milk or buttermilk, make sure it doesn’t spoil by keeping it in the freezer.
    Hence, you will always have a little on hand when you need it.

    There are many recipes which require a bit of lemon juice.
    By keeping lemon juice in the ice cube tray, you will always have a ready lemon juice cube.

    You can preserve the flavor of the herbs and use them all year round by storing them in ice cube trays with olive oil.

    We all know how healthy ginger is. Therefore, you should always have it at hand.
    Buy fresh ginger, peel it, grate it, and store it in the ice cube trays.
    As a result, you will get a ready spice for each dish.


    The most important thing is the complete hygiene of our health as well as our body. Unhygienic people can become quite uncomfortable for anyone. Nowadays, bad breath is something many people around the world face with.

    It affects their self-esteem and makes them feel embarrassed. Here, we’re going to present you an amazing natural remedy against bad breath. Numerous problems can cause bad breath: fungus, bacteria, food, drink etc.

    This natural remedy will only take you 5 minutes every day and you’ll get rid of bad breath once and for all!

    Remedy Against Bad Breath

    Take a look at this amazing recipe and refresh your bad breath!


    • The juice of 2 lemons
    • A cup of warm water
    • 1/2 a tablespoon of cinnamon powder
    • A spoonful of honey
    • A spoonful of baking soda


    • Along with the honey and cinnamon add the juice of the lemons into a clean container.
    • Then, add the warm water and the baking soda.
    • Move the preparation into a bottle and shake it well.
    • Use this powerful remedy as mouthwash. With one or 2 tablespoons of itrinse your mouth and doing some gargle.
    • Honey and cinnamon are full of various powerful antibacterial properties. Bicarbonate has whitening properties and lemon is the one that will give you a refreshing and clean breath.

    After seeing what the Vicks Vaporub can do on your body, you will be very surprised and I assure you that now you will not only use it for the cold.

    There is no doubt that this takes all the prominence because what it does is help millions of people in the world.

    The article that I am going to show you next is a new function that we can give the Vicks Vaporub, since thanks to its properties it does not only work for colds. Look until the end and discover for yourself what you can do with the Vaporub.

    Remember that Vick VapoRub should not be used in children younger than 2 years and it is recommended to apply a small amount on the skin previously to rule out possible allergic reactions. Look at the effects here.
    Vicks Vaporub as a home remedy for hemorrhoids. Vicks Vaporub relieves pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation. It is advisable to apply the ointment on the hemorrhoids of the anus, preferably before sleeping and for three or five days, or until the pain disappears.


    It has been used for decades to relieve a cough and other symptoms of the cold. However, this product offers so many alternative uses that make it an indispensable drug for all family members.

    Vicks Vaporub relieves pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids by reducing inflammation. It is advisable to apply the ointment on the hemorrhoids of the anus, preferably before sleeping and for three or five days or until the pain disappears.

    This cream of pleasant smell of eucalyptus should only be applied to the skin since one of its ingredients, to camphor, can be toxic.


    Although the Vicks Vaporub package is indicated to not be applied to the penis, some men use it to increase sexual pleasure.


    Traditionally, Vicks Vaporub should be applied to the chest or back to relieve cold symptoms, such as coughing and congestion. However, some people claim that it is much more effective when the ointment is spread over the feet or anus. It would be enough to cover the feet with socks after the application to begin to feel the effects and rest peacefully during the night.


    Make a reducing cream with Vicks Vaporub, baking soda, and alcohol. Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous paste, apply it to the parts of the body you want to reduce and cover them with a black plastic or a cotton girdle.

    This homemade reducing cream combats the accumulation of fat, eliminates cellulite and firms skin tissues. It also helps reduce jowls, abdominal fat and a few inches of legs. The product is not miraculous, but it burns the fats of those parts of the body that is really difficult.


    To eliminate the pain of a headache, apply Vicks Vaporub on the forehead and on the temples with a light massage. Menthol will help relieve the pressure.


    Vicks Vaporub also reinforces the effects of other treatments against acne, pimples and other pimples on the skin. The use of the ointment decreases the inflammation of the larger pimples and eliminates them.


    Although Vicks Vaporub is sold without a prescription to relieve a cough and congestion, its use is contraindicated in children under two years of age.

    In effect, this would stimulate the production of mucus and inflammation of the respiratory tract in younger children. In addition, due to its high content of camphor, a substance toxic to the body if swallowed, this ointment should never be applied to or near the nostrils, as the manufacturers warn.

    The pediatricians, in fact, assure that the best treatment to relieve nasal congestion in the smallest ones happens through the use of the traditional saline solution (salt water) and the soft suction with a rubber knob.

    Remember to share with your contacts, so they learn the great benefits of this home remedy.

    What are your thoughts? I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by sharing it on Pinterest. Don’t keep this to yourself, please share this post on your Pinterest Board.


    This crunchy vegetable abounds in many benefits important for the overall health of your body. For culinary use celery is usually found in soups and salads while it can be eaten in a raw state, as a snack.

    1. Relieves Inflammation

    Due to the high levels of polyphenols and antioxidants, celery reduces inflammation and relieves joint pain. Also, it treats asthma, acne because of the salicylic acid, which removes follicular clog.

    2. Lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol

    It’s butylphthalide that gives celery its taste and aroma and prevents high blood pressure by treating ‘bad’ cholesterol. So, if you consume at least 2 stalks of celery every day, you can reduce cholesterol by up to 7%.

    3. Improves digestion

    Celery is rich in insoluble fiber and water thus it helps in the regulation of the stool. It abounds in many important cleansing qualities that make it an ideal diuretic.

    4. Lowers high blood pressure

    Celery is a powerful source of phthalides, active compounds that improve the poor circulation by 14% and reduce stress hormones that circulate in the blood.

    5. Supports eye health

    One celery stalk offers at least 10% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A which protects the eyes and prevents degeneration of vision

    6. Helps in losing weight

    Celery is famous for its low calorie content because it contains only 10 calories and plenty of water. By a regular consumption, you will provide your body with water, feel satiated for longer and lose weight at the same time.

    7. Reduces stress

    It is high in magnesium, 11mg per 100mg and this mineral is important for reducing stress. Also, it is rich in essential oils which will soothe the nervous system and help you fall asleep very easily.

    8. Regulates alkaline balance

    It prevents acidic condition in the body and if regularly consumed, celery can regulate the pH levels in the body.

    9. Improves sex life

    Celery is loaded with 2 sex pheromones, androstenol and androstenone which can significantly improve the arousal levels.

    10. Fights cancer

    The luteolin, in celery delays the creation of cancer cells and inhibits their growth, especially in colorectal, pancreas and breast cancer.

    Make sure you always buy a celery dark in color, because the dark the color the stronger the taste.

    For optimal effects, steam the celery and you will get the original taste and almost all of its nutrients. You can also preserve some fresh celery in your fridge for future use.

  • Baking Soda Shampoo: It Will Make Your Hair Grow Like It Is Magic!

    Baking soda is amazing for so many different things. It can be used as a beauty regimen, cleaning, medication, and even shampoo. In fact, baking soda shampoo is the best possible concoction to shampoo your hair with.

    Baking soda is used for so many different things it is hard to even label what it’s most purposeful duty is. It is fantastic for cleaning, but it can also be used in your beauty regimen.

    It is an essential natural remedy for removing stains, relieving gas, reducing flu symptoms, and even as shampoo. In fact, it’s way healthier for your hair than average shampoo brands.

    Your hair will look better than ever after you try this recipe.

    Modern day shampoo brands are actually awful for your hair health. The fragrances that shampoos consist of are composed of over 4,000 different chemicals.  

    Many people have even experienced hair loss or thinning due to the modern day shampoo products. They cause the overall health of your scalp and hair to decline, resulting in split ends, thinning hair, or even baldness.

    Nobody wants to lose their hair, and there is a good chance nobody would if they would just use this recipe.

    • Start by mixing 1 part baking soda with 3 parts water.
    • Mix about 2 to 3 tablespoon of baking soda with 3 times that amount of water in a small squeeze bottle. You can adjust this depending on your hair length.
    • Apply the baking soda and water mixture to dry or wet hair by starting at the roots and working to the ends.
    • Let it sit for 1 – 3 minutes then rinse with warm water.

    Then, you’re going to want to rinse your hair with vinegar. Vinegar is also great for the hair because it eliminates static and frizz.

    Mix 1 part white or apple cider vinegar with 4 parts water, and thoroughly apply it to your hair and scalp. After you have covered all of your hair, rinse it with warm water. You can add in essential oils to reduce the smell of vinegar.

    Replace your shampoo with this mixture and your hair will look better than ever! For best results, do this treatment everyday for four weeks! Enjoy!


    We have a lot of diverse ingredients in our kitchen but generally, we don’t know how to use all of them optimally.

    Did you know that you can use baking soda to get rid of all excess fat from all your body parts like belly, thighs, back, arms etc…

    Although you can mix baking soda with fruit juice also but I prefer to use it with apple cider vinegar, for best effect. Please note ACV smells very bad at least I think so but in general, is very good for your health.

    Some people suggest that diluting baking soda in water, apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice and drinking it on an empty stomach can help you easily shed excess weight. Others suggest that simply soaking in a bаking sоda bath will do the trick.

    Please check to bellow the drink recipe:


    • ½ tsp. of baking soda
    • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
    • 1 glass of water


    Mix all the ingredients in a glass and take it on an empty stomach. You will shortly witness drastic changes on your body, such as lose weight and burn abdominal fat, too!


    There you have it! An easy and effective Baking Soda: Startling Fact About How To Remove All Belly Fat In Just Just 1 Week! If you liked this post or found it helpful, please share it with your friends.

  • How Much Walking You REALLY Need To Lose Weight?

    Walking is probably the maximum comfy shape of exercising in recent times. It is very useful and absolutely everyone loves it once they are trying it and apprehend a way to reap the walking principles which will shed pounds.

    Namely, inside five months of on foot, you could decrease extra than 20 kilos best with strolling and with out visiting the fitness center or placing yourself into precise diets. You also can shape up the muscle mass and enhance your fitness while lowering weight and inches from the body. Is on foot the miracle we have been anticipating? So, permit’s stroll!


    There are two factors that affect the calories burnt whilst taking walks. These are the body weight and the walking region. For example, you could burn four hundred energy in an hour, if you are walking with an average pace of four miles an hour.

    Of course, you could mild your program, you do not need to stroll best four miles in just sooner or later, but you could stroll three more miles and burn three hundred energy plus that same day.

    Furthermore, you want to adopt strolling together with your every day sports, and you may stroll even shorter distance. A pedometer may be of first rate assist given that it’s far going to can help you burn many energy through strolling and imposing your schedule.

    With time, you see that that is the maximum practical and easiest manner to lower the weight without having any specific food plan regimes.


    First of all, begin with the stimulus and it will improve your probabilities for attaining the desired results!

    The American Medical Association is recommending the usage of pedometer for extra green and higher weight reduction control. A pedometer is a supportive accent with many beneficial residences, and you want to put on it very close to the hip place since it does now not weight at all. One of its fine blessings is that it may inform you what number of steps you are taking in someday.

    Buy a pedometer or a few wristband as a way to reveal your workout in step with day and even the minor progress will push you forward to lower the burden thru taking walks.

    If you’re having a greater state-of-the-art pedometer you can test the variety of the kilos which you’ve reduced and how many energy you’ve burned. This information can be very useful so that you can get the exact photo of what you’ve achieved thru on foot.


    The time or miles had to burn a sure amount of energy is relative considering the fact that some people must take 2000 steps in 1 mile which will burn the energy and to shed pounds and some will burn one hundred calories in 1 mile. The pedometer goes to screen the steps and all you need to do is to add even greater steps within the every day recurring. Look at the subsequent sample:

    1 POUND = 3500 ENERGY




    In order not to end strolling as a routine, you need to find a manner to make it greater interesting and accordingly to continue doing it. We are supplying you a few guidelines for that:

    • Change the routine and make it much extra thrilling.
    • Invite a pal or a member of the family to make you accompany inside the walks.
    • Do not use the exact equal song each day, it turns into a monotonous habitual.
    • Try to walk in exclusive areas, neighborhoods, parks or concentrate in your preferred track, so that it will be notable motivation and could give you extra power to wealthy the goal.
    • Purchase a treadmill and watch the fave movie or TV software whilst you are taking walks, so the cold climate have to now not be a problem.

    The following suggestions will assist you regulate the taking walks whilst you are having a hectic day:

    • Do now not park the car on the certain vacation spot, but park is someplace near and stroll the relaxation of the way.
    • You may want to stroll on your work and home, as opposed to using bus every time you’re going out, or you may honestly get off the bus on midway vacation spot.
    • Use the steps in preference to elevators.
    • Walk with the youngsters to their faculty.
    • Avoid the bus or taxi: stroll whenever you’ve got an opportunity for that


    Walking desire also can rely on positive behavior or routines that you develop in life. If you know how to walk, you’ll have optimum effects from the strolling.

    For instance, if you plan to walk as an workout you need to pay attention the eyes a hundred toes forward and preserve the chin up, squeeze the glutes, and tighten the abdomen within the matching direction with the backbone.


    Before beginning with the day by day strolling ordinary, it’s miles recommended that you ask your doctor of recommendation to tell you in case you are strong and wholesome sufficient for these sports and once the doctor approved you can begin together with your strolling habit.

    In the beginning, you need to stroll three days in step with week for 15 to twenty mins and afterward, you’ll growth the time spent on strolling from 30 to 60 minutes each day.

    What are your thoughts? I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by sharing it on Pinterest. Don’t keep this to yourself, please share this post on your Pinterest Board.


    We are living in a hectic world where every vitamin is needed for our body and health, and usually our body sends us signals informing us that we need to do something about it.

    However, in most cases, people neglect these signals or mistake them for the necessity of another cup of coffee for more energy or simply take some pills to boost their energy levels. In the end, the body is left without the needed vitamins which eventually will lead to the occurrence of some ailment.

    It seems that ladies are the ones who usually neglect these symptoms and because of that end up with a mediocre health.

    Perhaps the most important vitamin that people usually are short of is the vitamin B12. This vitamin is highly required for the bonding process of nucleic acids, the health of the nerves, and for the production of the red blood cells.

    Continuous deficiency of this vitamin will lead to nerve damage. Therefore, read carefully the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, and check if you have some of them.

    Symptoms of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    • Smooth tongue
    • Pale or yellow skin complexion
    • Vertigo, fatigue, weakness or lightheadedness
    • Heart palpitations and shortness of breath
    • Blurred vision or the feeling that you are losing it
    • Numbness, difficulties walking, muscle weakness
    • Digestive problems such as diarrhea, frequent gases, or loss of appetite and taste
    • Poor mental health, memory loss, mood swings and depression

    If by any chance you recognize some of the symptoms on you, then you should seek for an advice from your doctor and ask for a blood test to determine if you are short of this vitamin, or for that matter from some other ones.

    People with the Highest Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

    • Persons experiencing autoimmune disorders like Grave’s disease or Lupus

    Cells of people with these types of disorders are attacking the body’s tissues instead of attacking the foreign bodies in our body, and in that way protecting our health. In this way the body has decreased ability to absorb the vital vitamins.