Category: Health and fitness

  • Remove 20 Pounds of Toxic Waste from Your Colon

    Unfortunately, many of us don’t take adequate care of our colon. Often, this results in a buildup of toxic waste which can cause numerous health problems.

    Moreover, a healthy colon is vital for a healthy liver which is the main detoxifying organ in the body.

    When the colon functions properly, it removes all waste and toxins from our body and keeps us healthy.

    How Does Colon Work?
    The colon receives all waste from the sinuses, lymph system, lungs, liver, blood, and throat, as well as leftover nutrients like water from digested foods, vitamins, and electrolytes.

    When the colon doesn’t work 100%, these important processes are impeded. This results in a buildup of toxins and waste which leads to health problems and diseases.

    Digestion of foods can last from 24 to 44 hours, however, when we consume processed foods or foods without fiber, enzymes, and nutrients, the body will need around 70 hours which will result in 20 pounds of waste in the colon!

    Main Symptoms of Toxic Colon

    -Sore muscles
    -Pain in the joints
    -Poor memory
    -Brain fog
    -Mood swings
    -Vaginal infections
    -Bladder problems
    -Poor immunity
    -Stomach ache

    How to Remove Toxic Buildup from the Colon Naturally

    You will need:

    -Lemon juice from 1 lemon
    -Half a tsp of cayenne pepper
    -12oz. of water
    -2 tbsp of grade B organic maple syrup


    Blend the ingredients in a blender and then transfer the mixture into a glass and drink it 4 times per day for a period of 2 weeks.

    Essential Oil Cleanse
    You will need:

    Juice from 1 lemon
    -10 drops of peppermint essential oil
    -12 oz. of filtered water

    Preparation and use: Mix the ingredients well and drink the mixture 3 times per day for 2 weeks

  • Only 1 Tablespoon Of This Can Empty Your Bowel In Just 2 Minutes!

    People say that you are what you eat, and we must agree with the view. Our digestive system is a very delicate mechanism, and the process of digestion is very complicated.

    If impaired, our body can’t get essential nutrients and our health may deteriorate as a result. When our digestion is negatively affected, toxic substances may accumulate in the body and cause numerous serious health problems.

    This is why it’s very important to eat a healthy diet and do a complete body cleaning at least twice a year. In this way, we can prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body and prevent unwanted problems.



    • 150 gr. of plums
    • 150 gr. of dates
    • 5 cups of boiling water


    The preparation of the remedy is pretty simple – just boil the water in a pot, then add the plums and dates once it reaches the boiling point.

    Simmer the mixture for an additional 15 minutes, then remove it from the heat and leave it to cool down.

    Take a tablespoon of this powerful mixture every morning on an empty stomach and you will feel much better soon.

    The mixture will help you get rid of numerous digestive problems such as constipation and will improve your digestion as well thanks to the high fiber content. Just try it and you’ll be amazed by the results!


    Pubic shaving actually originated in ancient Egypt and Greece, when prostitutes had to shave for both hygienic reasons and as a clear sign of their profession.

    Although female body shaving was established as the norm between 1915 and 1945, pubic hair removal did not actually gain a strong foothold until the 1980’s.

    However, a new study shows that 60 % of women had, at least, one health complication incurred from pubic hair removal, typically epidermal abrasion (invisible cuts to the skin) and ingrown hairs. It was also shown to cause severe skin irritation, infections and – according to an older study – increase the spread and transmission of STIs.

    These are the real reasons why you should not remove your pubic hair:

    Pubic hair helps control your body temperature.

    We all know that hair helps regulate body temperature, but how exactly? Hair follicles help with sweating.

    There is a sebaceous gland on each hair follicle which releases oils onto the hair, that in turn allows the oils go up to the skin’s surface. When this oil evaporates, it cools the skin because of its latent heat.

    Pubic hair actually protects you.

    The pubic hair protects you from diseases and skin problems. Among other protections, it helps to prevent foreign particles like dust and pathogenic bacteria from entering your body.

    Pubic hair contains pheromones.

    Scientists are of the belief that pubic hair retains secretions that are otherwise referred to as pheromones. This is what attracts us to each other. The body gives off more pheromones as you sweat and those secretions are retained in the pubic hair regions.

    Higher risk for genital warts.

    Genital warts are located near or at the private areas. Warts appear as bumps or growths. They tend to be whitish or flesh colored. Many times a person with genital warts doesn’t know that he or she has it. If you remove your pubic hair, you are putting yourself at a higher risk of contracting genital warts.

    You are more likely to catch molluscum contagiosum (viral infection).

    Shaving or waxing your pubic hair increases your risk of contracting a viral infection. Research has shown that hairless genitals may provide an opportunity for s*xually transmitted diseases like molluscum to take hold, with shaving showing the strongest association.

    Molluscum contagiosum is spread easily, and it has been suggested that the virus may have spread primarily through self-infections caused by scratching skin irritated by shaving.

    It causes skin problems in your private area.

    Removal of pubic hair naturally irritates the hair follicles, leaving microscopic open wounds. Frequent hair removal is necessary to stay smooth, causing regular irritation of the shaved or waxed area.

    Many doctors say it is not unusual to find patients with boils and abscesses on their genitals from shaving as well as cellulitis, an infection of the scrotum. Being on the private parts, these skin issues are often more uncomfortable than they would be upon other parts of the body.

    Hair removal is more dangerous for overweight women.

    The new American study found that complications were twice as likely for overweight or obese women, and three times more likely if they removed all their pubic hair because, for larger women, their skin will be closer together.

    Even with these risks laid out, it’s entirely personal preference – you just need to be aware of the risks. Some cultures have been doing it for centuries. If you’re worried about an infection, go and see your doctor, otherwise, you don’t really need to discuss it with a GP.”

  • Reasons Why You Should Flush Toilet After Peeing May Do Not Know This

    Our home toilets are not trash cans made for dumping personal care and hygiene products. Here’s what you shouldn’t flush down the loo.

    There are only three things that you can flush down the toilet – urine, feces and toilet paper. In other words, human waste, or the three Ps: pee, poo, and paper.

    The wastewater journey usually takes one of two directions. It either heads by way of a pipe to your community’s local sewer, or into a septic tank close to your home.

    Before it reaches your local treatment plant, wastewater goes through a screen of metal rods that filter larger objects and items that get into the sewers.

    From there, it all goes to the settling tank where solids like sand and gravel that have been picked along the way settle to the bottom.

    These early treatment stations are also responsible for removing other “flushables.”

    Did you know that 50 percent of the so-called non-dispersible material in wastewater is paper towels from public restrooms, followed by 25 percent of baby wipes, and then a mixture of condoms, cosmetic wipes, tampon applicators, and other items’?

    Finally, and after traveling through the primary sedimentation tanks, wastewater continues its cleaning process via aeration tanks, new settling tanks and, in some cases, tertiary treatment facilities where it is disinfected with chlorine and/or ultraviolet (UV) light.

    In the end, and in the most advanced sewage treatment systems, we may get recycled water that can be used in agriculture or for human consumption.

    However, no sewage system is perfect. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 27 percent of the global population (around 1.9 billion people) use private sanitation facilities connected to sewers from which wastewater is treated.

    We all made mistakes, and we can all change our daily habits. Even if it takes time. It is just a matter of thinking twice before flushing the toilet.

    Remember that by adopting new behaviors you are reducing the amount of toxic and potentially harmful objects and chemicals that interact with water and marine life.

    Whenever you’re flushing these 20 items down the toilet, you’re not only damaging plumbing but also polluting your local water resources.

    Some of them are quite obvious, but there are also a few that we thought were good to go, but should never enter the sewage system.

    Instruct your children to follow good practices in the bathroom. Avoid flushing the following items down the toilet:

    1. Paper Towels

    Surprised? Don’t be. Yes, they look and feel like toilet paper, but they should never go down the toilet. Believe it or not, paper towels do not have the same characteristics as toilet paper and do not disintegrate easily down the sewer line.

    Cosmetic Wipes

    Wet wipes are one of the worst problems in modern sanitary systems. They are responsible for causing half of the global blockages that lead to build-ups of fat, also known as fatbergs. Cosmetic wipes do not dissolve in water and have a very negative impact on the sewage treatment process.

    3. Baby Wipes

    They’re smooth, gentle, and soft but they don’t break down like toilet tissue. And just because wipes are harmful to babies, it doesn’t mean they won’t hurt the environment. Baby wipes are not decomposable, so they shouldn’t be flushed.

    4. Condoms

    Not only it is disgusting because they wind up in public waterways, but they’re also non-biodegradable. Latex causes severe problems in the sewer network, so keep it private and dump it in the garbage.

    5. Tampons and Pads

    The disposal of feminine products has always been a problem for women. But they’re also an issue for plumbing because they can rapidly obstruct the pipes. Wrap your tampons or pads, put them in a small sanitary bag, and then dump them in the trash can.

    6. Dental Floss

    Dental floss is usually made of Teflon or nylon. When flushed down, it mixes with wet wipes, paper towels, hair and other items, creating huge balls that will clog pumps and sewers.

    7. Contact Lenses

    Around 125 million people use contact lenses on a daily basis worldwide. As a result, billions of daily contacts go down the toilet every year. But what few people know is that discarding used lenses down the drain contributes to the creation of trillions of microplastics, one of the major environmental concerns in today’s world.

    8. Cotton Swabs

    They’re small and flexible, block drains, and don’t break down quickly. Cotton swabs are responsible for many clogged toilets.

    9. Diapers

    Yes, there are still people who flush diapers down the toilet. And those who do it will clog a toilet in no time. To get things worse, modern baby diapers are made from materials that will expand when in contact with water.

    10. Tissues

    They’re soft, delicate and absorbent. But tissues won’t disintegrate like toilet paper. Do you have a cold? Sneeze or cough into a tissue, but then throw it in the trash can.

  • She Put a Ball of Aluminum Foil in Her Washing Machine. Only a Few People Know This Awesome Trick

    No one really likes doing laundry but it is a part of our daily activities. In most cases, it can be time-consuming and quite frankly annoying.

    Luckily for us, people are coming up with new tricks each day.

    Most people have tin foil lying around in the kitchen, why not put it to use? You won’t ever have to use dryer sheets again after watching this video.

    This is actually one of many other ‘tin foil hacks.’ Tin foil funnels, tin foil scissor sharpener, and much much more. Enjoy!


  • Lose 40 Pounds In Just 1 Month With This Biggest Fat Burn Recipe!

    Learn to Lose 40 Pounds In Just 1 Month With This Biggest Fat Burn Recipe! Losing weight is difficult for a lot of people, with that said, eating the right foods and exercising will guarantee your success. The drink below can be added to a low-calorie diet for optimal results.

    Lose 40 Pounds In Just 1 Month With This Biggest Fat Burn Recipe!Ingredients you will need:

    • Juice from 1 lemon
    • Chia seeds (1 tablespoon)
    • Honey (1 tablespoon)
    • Water (1 ½ glasses)

    How to prepare

    First, soak the seeds of chia for about an hour. When they absorbed the water, they will look like gel pellets because of the fiber they contain.

    Strain it.Now mix the seeds with 1 ½ glass of water also as the lemon juice of one squeezed lemon. Also add in 1 spoon of honey in the glass of water.

    Place the constituents into a blender and mix until you get a homogenous mixture. And that’s all your mighty fat burning drink is ready to use.

    Consume this every morning and you will accelerate your metabolism and lose weight fast and effectively.

    For optimal results, consume this natural solution in the morning on an empty stomach for 15 days in a row.

    This drink works well with removing bloats. It clears up your stomach of the junk.

    The benefits of Chia Seeds:

    • High quality of Protein.
    • Help skin and Aging
    • Helps With Digestive Health
    • Good For Hearth Health
    • Help Treat Diabetes
    • Good For Dental Health
    • Strengthen Your Bones
    • Build Muscle And Helps You Lose Weight
    • Fight Breast & Cervical Cancer
    • Boost Your Metabolism

    Is this recipe safe?

    Yes it is. If you weigh more than 300 pounds, then it can help you lose about 40 pounds in a month time. But if you take it too often (drinking this only for a week straight without food), it can negatively impact your health.

  • CHECK YOUR BODY: Warning Signs That You Have a Fatty Liver Ways and How to Cleanse It

    The liver is an important organ located in the upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for more than a hundred important processes.

    This is why you need to learn the symptoms of liver damage and how to treat the condition properly.

    12 early symptoms of damaged liver

    There are more than 100 different liver diseases and each one has different symptoms. The most common ones are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis and fatty liver disease. The symptoms of these diseases are often misdiagnosed and detected far too late to be able to act. Here are some of the most common liver disease symptoms:

    Upset stomach

    Vomiting and nausea are the usual symptoms of many diseases including food poisoning, motion sickness, vertigo, depression, early pregnancy and others. However, they are also a sign of liver damage and occur due to the organ’s inability to filter toxins.

    Loss of appetite

    When damaged, the liver can’t produce enough bile, which results in loss of appetite as the food isn’t properly digested.


    Feeling tired all the time can be an indication of liver damage as the organ works harder when attacked. In this case, more toxins accumulate in the blood and tissues and result in constant fatigue which mustn’t be mistaken for simple tiredness.

    Digestive problems

    The liver produces bile to digest food and fats, but when it’s function is impaired, it can’t produce the substance which leads to diarrhea and indigestion. Lack of bile can also cause fatty food intolerance, gallstones, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and bloating.

    Changes in the color of the stool

    The bile gives the stool its normal brown color, but when there’s a lack of it, it can make your stool yellow, gray or clay colored. If this is temporary, you have nothing to fear of. However, if the problem goes on for a while, you need to visit a doctor.

    Changes in the color of the urine

    The urine is normally yellow, but increased bilirubin levels in the blood as a result of liver damage may turn it to amber, green or brown.


    Jaundice is a condition which turns a person’s eyes, fingertips, tongue and skin yellow. It is caused by excess bilirubin in the blood and should be taken seriously.

    Fluid retention

    Once the liver starts failing, it causes fluid retention in the feet and ankles which makes them look bloated. Fluid retention can also be a symptom of heart failure, hormonal imbalance, lymphatic disease and kidney problems.

    Abdominal changes

    Cramps, pain and bloating in the abdominal area can be a sign of liver damage. Ascites is a condition in which fluid is accumulated in the abdominal area and is one of the earliest signs of liver damage or disease. Liver damage can also cause high blood pressure in the abdominal blood vessels.

    Skin itching

    When the liver is damaged, it makes the skin more sensitive and may cause itching and flakiness. It can also make your veins and bruises more visible, and the problems won’t go away with a simple cream.

    Abdominal ache

    Although it may be caused by many problems, tummy ache can also indicate liver damage or disease.

    Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal bleeding

    The liver is important for proper clotting, so when it’s damaged it can cause bleeding, diarrhea and constipation.

    This is just a fraction of the full list of liver damage symptoms. Liver damage or disease can also cause sex hormones imbalance and gynecomastia, and may also result in loss of libido. If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately.

  • You Only Need One Ingredient To Get Rid Of White Hair Permanently!

    Grey hair is an alarming beauty concern among men and women.
    Especially when this greying occurs premature, it really affects the persona of an individual.
    While there are many chemical dyes and hair colors available in the market, there are few magical homemade recipes that have been used or ages.

    If you have recently found grey hairs in your hair, but you don’t want to use dye, we have a great solution – a remedy that will cover your grey hairs forever!

    The recipe can be easily prepared and contains only one unusual ingredient – potato peels. First, peel 5 bigger potatoes and save them for later use.

    Now, take the peels and put them in a pot of water, then heat the solution until it boils and simmer it on low heat for 5-6 minutes.

    Afterwards, strain it and allow it to cool down before pouring the clear liquid into a bottle. Add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil for a nicer smell and the remedy is ready to be used.

    Wash your hair as usual, then massage your scalp with the potato peel liquid. Leave it to work for 5 minutes before rinsing with water, and repeat the process once or twice a week for best results.

    Try the remedy yourself – you have nothing to lose but your grey hairs!

    What are your thoughts? I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by sharing it on Pinterest. Don’t keep this to yourself, please share this post on your Pinterest Board.

  • Press These 2 Points near Your Hips to Eliminate Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain, Leg Pain, Sciatica, and more

    Your back pain is mainly a result of bad sitting posture when you rest on the couch watching TV or just staring down at your phone.

    In fact, being sedentary for too long especially nowadays during self-quarantine our bodies start crying out for help.

    Further reasons for lower back pain can also be a result of a strained back muscle, twisting the wrong way, lifting a heavy object, or simply genetics.

    The severity of the pain can vary from mild to intense, and it may also be followed by a tingling or burning sensation in one or both legs.

    According to ancient Chinese medical practice, acupuncture is the best way to restore your health and promote wellness and relaxation.

    The human body has hundreds of acupuncture points, all of them providing amazing relief from your lower back and sciatica pain problems.

    Studies show that certain points are extremely effective ways to get relief of back pain. The points are very close to your hip region and are known as GB30 and B48.2

    Here are the 2 points near your hips to eliminate lower back pain:

    • B48 pressure point:

    B48 is a local acupressure point and it’s located 3.0 chon to the side of the sacrum, directly in the center of the gluteal muscles of the buttocks.

    By massaging your B48 pressure point you will soothe the pain in the hips, in the sacral area, and sciatica pain. You should massage the area very gently as it’s pretty sensitive to the event of back pain. Additionally, this massage will help you treat diabetes and diarrhea.

    • GB30 pressure point:

    On the other hand, GB30 is located by moving three-quarters into gluteal muscles from the middle of the sacrum. It’s positioned between the sacrum and greater trochanter.

    When massaging the second pressure point you will treat the pain in the buttocks, hips, sciatica pain, lower back, and will relieve muscle spasms. Additionally, the GB30 point helps in relieving leg pain, lumbar pain, and hemiplegia.

    A few more tips that can help you relieve lower back pain:

    • Avoid sitting for long periods to prevent tightening of the muscles
    • Apply an ice pack to soothe the affected area
    • Exercise regularly to improve your back’s flexibility
    • Don’t use high heels if you want to improve your body posture
    • Encourage healthy body weight
  • 14 Things Your Eyes are Trying to Tell You About Your Health

    Did you know that your eyes are window into health? Yahoo Health has come up with a list of 14 things that your eyes can tell about your body.  Here are some of them:

    • Disappearing Eyebrows

    When the eyebrow starts to disappear, this is a sign of thyroid disease (hypothyroidism).

    • A Stye That Won’t Go Away

    It a stye doesn’t clear up within three months, it could indicate a rare cancer called sebaceous gland carcinoma.

    • Burning Eyes, Blurry Vision While Using A Computer

    Blurry vision is often a result of “computer vision syndrome” (CVS). The eyestrain is caused by focusing on pixels and the lack of contrast on the screen.

    • A Small Blind Spot in Your Vision, With Shimmering Lights or A Wavy Line

    A migraine aura may be accompanied by a headache, and is known to produce this disturbed vision.

    • Whites of The Eye Turned Yellowish

    This condition is known as jaundice, and it appears in either new-borns or adults with problems of the gallbladder or liver.

    • Eyes That Seem to Bulge

    Hyperthyroidism is the most common cause of protruding eyes.

    • Sudden Double Vision, Dim Vision, or Loss of Vision

    These are the visual warning signs of stroke.

    • Blurred Vision in a Diabetic

    Diabetics are at increased risk of various eye problems, out of which retinopathy is the most common.  As a matter of fact, it is the leading cause of blindness in the U.S.

    Is Poor Vision Inevitable as You Age?

    The modern lifestyle can contribute to poor vision, if you are not careful. The good news is that there are various actions you can take to support eye health.  It has been scientifically shown that people over the age of 60 may need even more support. You may also need additional support if:

    • You spend a lot of time staring at a computer
    • You smoke
    • You’re diabetic
    • You’re obese

    Natural, Common-Sense Strategies to Help Protect Healthy Vision

    • Quit smoking
    • Avoid aspartame
    • Avoid trans fats
    • Get plenty of healthy omega-3 fat
    • Eat plenty of fresh dark green leafy vegetables, especially kale
    • Care for your cardiovascular system
    • Normalize your blood sugar levels

    Lutein Helps Protect Your Central Vision

    Lutein is found in high concentrations in the macula lutea, and is said to serve two primary roles:

    • To absorb excess photon energy, and
    • To quench free radicals before they damage the lipid membranes

    It is naturally occurring carotenoid, found in green leafy veggies, and some yellow/ orange fruits and veggies