Category: Health and fitness

  • Mix Honey And Aspirin And Keep On The Face For 10 Minutes After 3 Hours Take A Look At Yourself In The Mirror Miracle

    The most effective natural home remedy that will resolve a huge problem … This mask turns most problematic skin in a healthy, beautiful and shiny.

    Prior to you try this stacking mask, test it on the inside of the arm. If throughout the day there has been no adverse response, you can feel totally free to put on your face.


    • 1-2 tablets of aspirin
    • some water
    • teaspoon of honey


    Crush aspirin and put the powder into a glass bowl. Add a couple of drops of water, stir. Add a teaspoon of honey and stir whatever well once again.

    Apply the mask to cleansed face and hold it for 10 minutes. A little rub and rinse. At the beginning of the treatment mask should be used 2-3 times a week, and later on will suffice once a week.

    After 10 days, you will notice great results: facial skin will be restored. Inflammation will vanish and pores will be cleared.

    The result of the aspirin mask can not be seen instantly, but 3-4 hours after application. Be patient and frequently utilize it and your skin will be tidy and glossy!

  • How to Detect Fake Honey (It’s Everywhere), Use This Simple Trick

    Do not make the mistake of buying the cheapest honey in supermarket just to save a dollar. The universal truth holds true in this case because you get what you pay for you may be surprised to know you’re not buying pure honey in some cases. This is false/misleading advertising.

    In order to lower the price, the chemical make-up of honey is often subjected to numerous alterations.

    A public research study conducted by the Food Safety News provided a rather alarming find concerning honey. They have discovered that upto 76% of all types of honey available in supermarkets have been subjected to a process called ultra filtration.

    manufacturers say that this process is needed in order to prevent “crystallizing and to prolong the shelf life of the product.” Little do the consumers know that pollen is extremely important and beneficial to our bodies.

    According to these researchers, the main reason to avoid honey thats been teated by this process is the inability to determine the geographical origin of the honey, as in cases of pollen contamination, the origin needs to be analyzed and traced.

    Chinese honey is one such example. It is often contaminated with illegal antibiotics and some metals, since producers process honey in this way  in order to import it, and its origin is unknown.

    Therefore, we can Suggest a Few Brands and Places Where you can Purchase Honey Which Lacks Pollen:

    • Honey types sold at Walgreen’s and CVS Pharmacy do not contain pollen.
    • Certain packages of KFC and McDonald honey do not contain pollen.
    • Honey Winnie the Pooh which can be bought at Walmart does not have pollen.
    • 77% of the honey sold at Costco, Target and Sam’s Club do not have pollen.

    Moreover, there are also honey types which have been combined with glucose, as well as others which are high in poor-quality mead. Adulterated honey is honey that is not in its purest possible form.


    • If your honey does not “crystallize” over time, there is a good chance it may be adulterated, since the pure one will crystallize when kept in the fridge.
    • Always read the labels: Always read the label on the honey, and if it contains commercial glucose or high fructose corn syrup, avoid it.
    • Add a few iodine drops into a glass of water and add in some honey afterwards. If your honey turns a blue colour it has been combined with corn starch.
    • Add a couple of drops of vinegar into a mixture of water with honey. If you see foam, your honey has been adulterated with plaster.
    • Burn the honey with phosphorus or a match, and if it ignites, it is pure honey.
    • Place a spoon of honey into a glass of water. In case the honey does not dissolve, it is pure. Fake honey or poor-quality honey dissolves in water.
  • If You Sleep Naked Tonight, Here’s the Surprising Effect It’ll Have on Your Body

    Naturally, sleeping is one of the most essential things we can do for the sake of our health. If you lack sleep it may be very dangerous for your health.

    Nevertheless, are you familiar with the fact that if you sleep naked this will provide more benefits than if you sleep clothed? Actually, less than 10% of Americans sleep naked. What sleeping naked does is offer amazing health benefits, both physically and psychologically.

    What Happens if You Sleep Naked?

    1. Improves the Skin’s Repair Processes

    If you sleep naked the skin will repair itself more easily. What will happen is the sebaceous glands will work at full capacity and the skin will absorb the nutrients more quickly. Also, the body’s metabolic rate will improve.

    2. Reduces Pain

    Sleeping naked will stimulate circulation and reduce pain, especially that one in the abdominal area. Due to the pain relief, you will start to feel more comfortable and you will sleep tighter.

    3. Boosts the Energy

    If you have a good night’s sleep, which you will if you sleep naked, your energy levels will get increased. This will help you have sufficient energy through the day.

    4. Feeling More Frisky

    Skin to skin contact increases the bonding hormones like oxytocin and this will make you more sensitive to your partner’s touch. Also, this will strengthen the feelings of trust, connectivity and lower the heart rate.

    5. Promotes Weight Loss

    Due to sleeping naked, the cortisol levels will increase, and not only you will sleep better, but the weight loss process will be promoted as well. If you want to lose some weight, this is the solution.

    6. Prevents Bacteria

    Sleeping naked can prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria. Also, this will dry out the spots of perspiration and keep the body comfortable.

    7. Improves Sleep

    If it was not obvious by now, sleeping naked is better for sleep than sleeping with clothes. What happens is the body temperature declines and if you wear clothes, the cycle is disrupted. Thus, you will toss and turn and have irregular sleeping patterns. While, if you sleep naked, this will promote the sleep quality and you will sleep like a baby.

    If you needed some reasons to sleep naked, we offered you 7 of them. If this is not enough to make you sleep naked, we do not know what is. Just embrace this and start sleeping naked, your health will improve and you will sleep like a baby.

  • 3 Minutes Before Sleep: Simple Exercises To Slim Down Your Legs

    Exercises can get boring and can also feel pointless at times. There are people who are addicted to working out who have to do it regularly but then there are the rest of us who prefer lazing around on the couch binge watching our favorite shows.

    But we want the rewards of working out too so here’s a solution. You can always do at home work outs that focus on the areas you want to tone.

    The legs are an area that really need the work but are often ignored. The legs need to be strong enough to support the body through all the walking and running we do and slim legs look amazing. Exercising the legs will also help shed weight overall. Check out these simple exercises that you can do at home:

    1. High-Knee

    This exercises focuses on everything between and including your core muscles to your calf muscles. It helps you stay more balanced and speeds up your metabolic activity. To do a fairly basic high knee exercise, raise a leg, pull your knee into your chest and hold it there a few moments before bringing it down. Do this with your other leg and keep repeating the movement. Keep your back straight throughout.

    Once this becomes easy for you, you can try more complicated exercises.

    2. Squats

    A fairly common part of every workout, it is best to go for a deep squat if you wish to see great results. It will be difficult to get your buttocks to go below your knees but it will be worth it. They activate your glutes; make your ligaments stronger and your lower body more flexible. These two exercises require you to stand and that can be a slight turn off.

    But there are workouts you can do just before going to sleep, and maybe even in bed. If you’re going all out and doing all of these exercises, do the aforementioned two in the beginning.

    3. Oblique leg raises

    This exercise can make you stronger because it activates a variety of muscles. It doesn’t look hard but if you don’t do it right, you can injure yourself. Ensure that one of your sides is touching the floor, especially your lower body. Your body should be in a straight line. Raise the leg on top at a 45 degree angle and bring it back down smoothly.

    4. Inner thigh lifts

    If you’re just trying to get toned legs, this is the right exercise for you. Lie down on your side with the leg at the bottom stretched out.

    Cross the upper leg over it and let either the foot or the knee come into contact with the floor. Don’t move your upper body and focus only on the inner thigh.

    This exercise can be modified in a multitude of ways. You can raise the leg below while you are exhaling and bring it back to rest as you breathe in. You can even rotate that leg while it is raised. But stay steady throughout so that you don’t injure yourself.

  • 3 Top DIY Coffee Face Masks for Healthy and Gorgeous Skin

    Sipping a cup of Coffee is an important part of daily regime for many.  Coffee is cherished for its ability to refresh a person from inside.  Similarly, coffee has a great role to play in refreshing the skin from outside too.

    Coffee has the potentiality to solve skin problems in no time.  It has many anti-oxidants that function against skin damage.  It plays a great role in reducing the puffiness under the eyes.

    Coffee can also be a great exfoliator.  It has the ability to penetrate deep into the pores and remove the impurities, which other exfoliators could not do.  Coffee can also make the tan disappear from skin.

    This will prove to be a perfect mask for all skin types. Here we present a few coffee face masks that will benefit your skin.

    Is Coffee Mask Good for Skin?

    • Coffee has the ability to increase the blood circulation, which will provide you with a healthy skin.
    • Coffee possess the antioxidants that is required for the skin, this will leave your skin clean and clear.
    • Your skin can defend itself from the harmful UV rays and escape from skin damage.
    • You can feel for yourself how smooth your skin has turned out after using this pack
    • Also, the dimpling on your skin will get reduced.

    DIY Coffee Face Masks Recipes:

    1. Coffee and Honey Face Mask:


    • 1 tbsp of coffee powder
    • 1 tbsp of honey

    How to do?

    • Mix the ingredients well in a bowl to make a fine paste
    • Now, apply this pack on the face and spread it on the skin.
    • Gently massage in circular motions.
    • Let it remain on the skin for 20 minutes and
    • Then rinse it off.

    Benefit: This scrumptious combination could provide you with amazing results. Coffee’s anti-oxidant formula and honey’s moisturizing feature will provide you with a glowing and moisturized skin.

    2. Yogurt Coffee and Honey Face Mask:


    • coffee beans
    • yogurt
    • oatmeal

    How to do?

    • Grind all the ingredients to make a fine paste.
    • Apply this on the face and neck.
    • Let it remain on the skin for a minimum of 30 minutes.
    • Rinse it with warm water and pat the skin dry.

    Benefit: Coffee and oatmeal are enriched with exfoliating properties and yogurt will tone the skin.

    3. Coffee and Olive oil Face Mask:

    You’ll Need:

    • 1 tbsp of coffee powder
    • 1 tbsp of olive oil

    How to apply?

    • Take both the oils in a bowl and mix it well.
    • Apply this mixture over the face and neck.
    • Let it not dry on the skin.
    • Wash it after 3 minutes and note the difference.

    Benefit: This face pack is a boon to my buddies with dry skin as olive oil has the talent to moisturize the skin with its rich source of vitamin.

    Kitchen is a bundle of treasure, which contains handy medications for most problems.  Coffee is one such remedy for skin problems.

    When you have the treasure at your place, then why spend on commercial face packs, that eat up your wallet and provides with less or no results.

    So buddies keep the cup of coffee away and prepare the masks to refresh your skin and make it glowing and reveal a youthful you!

  • I’m SHOCKED It Removed My Dark Spots In 3 Days, Magic Remedy

    In case you want to have a younger and healthier skin without any dark spots, we’re offering you an amazing combo made of ice cubes, potato juice, lemon juice and pomegranate juice!

    Take a look at the recipe:

    – An ice tray
    – 1 potato
    – ½ a bowl of pomegranate seeds
    – ½ a piece of lemon

    This is the process of preparation:

    Peel the potato and then use a grater to grate it. Put it in a blender with 1 tablespoon of water and the pomegranate seeds.

    Blend everything well. Squeeze the lemon and add the juice in the mixture. Blend it again. Then, use the mixture to fill the ice cube tray with it.

    Put it in the freezer and let it stay for about 5 or 6 hours. Then, use 1 ice cube and rub it on your skin where you have dark spots.

    Let it dry for a while and after that, eliminate it with some cold water. You can use up to 2 ice cubes in a day. The results will amaze you! Try this amazing natural remedy today and refresh your skin!

    What are your thoughts? I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by sharing it on Pinterest. Don’t keep this to yourself, please share this post on your Pinterest Board



    Ladies that are born in January are remarkably ambitious, but rather severe and conservative. Women born in this month are prone to be really crucial, yet they don’t want to talk about their own feelings. They let to approach them only people that are on the same intellectual level with them which share the very same views on life.


    February women are really romantic, and you need to alleviate them with patience. Not everyone can understand them, due to their altering state of mind. These women have a slightly abstract mindset. You have to understand that if you betray them, you are never ever going to see them once again.


    Females born in March have strong charisma and beauty. They are really loyal and dedicated. These ladies are tough to fall in love. They are also extremely adorable until you distress them. But, to live with a person that is born in March is a real pleasure.


    April-born women are diplomats and they can interact quite quickly with everyone. At times, they know to pity themselves. The majority of them are really jealous, and if it happens to burst, it is better for you to move away. The April lady is going to make you the happiest male on Earth. They open their soul to those who make their trust and attempt not to lose it.


    May females are extremely relentless and devoted to the concepts they have. They are also very appealing, and integrated with their hard character, they can become dangerous to any male that falls in love with them. This is the reason that you are going to remember them as long as they live.


    These are really curious women, communicative and imaginative. Their flaw is they speak before they think. June ladies think that it’s better to tell the truth in the face, than to speak from the back. Also, they are very dangerous players in love and really often males become a toy in their hands.


    Ladies born in July are really sincere, mysterious, stunning and extremely smart. They do not want conflicts and are extremely respectful to everybody. Besides, you can quickly lose them permanently, but if you cheat on them they will never ever forget.


    This is a special combination of self-centeredness and terrific heart. You should try not to mess with these women, as sooner or later she will win. Ladies born in August have a remarkable funny bone, but they don’t like being mocked. If this occurs, you will not be aware what hit you. They always wish to be the center of the interest and never struggle with the attention of guys. In their existence guys lose their heads.


    Born in September, these girls are kind, disciplined, and gorgeous. They never forgive those who will betray them. Therefore, you should be careful not to hurt them as they will look for revenge. These females want long relationships, which mean that they are not ladies for just one night. On the other hand, they are extremely critical and they have high expectations of their partners. The guy who would prove, will win.


    Ladies born in October have strong character. They are really emotional, however they do not weep in front of other people. They are really wise, and do not open their soul to everyone, as they think that people have the tendency to abuse it. The other females very frequently dislike them because they envy them.


    November ladies are always one step ahead of the others, and they can very easy recognize a lie. You should not play with these females given that you will get the worst end of it. About these women you need to know that if you are ready to hear the truth, you should never ever ask them for their opinion.


    The girls born in December can be really impatient, but lucky, because they constantly discover a way to obtain out of any circumstance as winners. These ladies know the best ways to raise the mood. They have an open heart. They are disposed to be hurt a lot, but given that God is on their side, at the end these females get exactly what they deserve.

  • How To Balance Your Armpit Bacteria To Never Smell Again (No Deodorant Required)

    Reaching the age of adolescence can be really stressful, since there are gym classes and hot days when you sweat a lot and smell bad.

    To avoid the smelly part, more than 90% of teenagers and adults in US use antiperspirant or deodorant to neutralize the odor.

    This became a universal rule and even 78% of the people should never use deodorant because of their genes but they still do.

    You need to understand that sweat does not smell. The general thought is that we smell because we sweat a lot. However, this is not true since the bacteria in the armpit releases that awful smell.

    The lipids and amino acids in the sweat can be easily broken down by the bacteria and they will transform into substances with different smell which is results to our body odor.

    Over the last decades, the main rules for solving the body odor problem increased along with the hygiene routines. There are two methods for fighting the smelly armpits – the one being involves eliminating bacteria with deodorant which consists triclosan, the other includes blocking the sweat glands and killing bacteria by using deodorant containing aluminum.

    But, some medical experts discovered that using deodorants or antiperspirants extensively has some really frightening side effects. The research is still in process but the claim had great impact on people.

    However, academic people made research on the same topic and the bacteria community called microbiome in our body is further studied.

    Experts even call it a new organ system in our body since it has great impact to the health. It can lead to various issues including life threatening C. diff (Clostridium Difficile Colitis) to less serious ones like body odor.

    This can be really shocking since our methods for stopping the body odor are barbaric in comparison with this research.

    The Ecosystem of Armpit

    The armpit has various naturally placed bacteria in the same way as the gut has. This is the most heavily populated area on our body by bacteria, but the microbial community does not really diverge. According to Dr. Armpit, you can find five times more diversity on the hand or two times more on the belly button.

    Around 70% of the bacteria go into one or two groups. The one is the odor related, while the other is not. The gut can be destabilized by some antibiotics or type of food and eliminating good bacteria, while permitting some microbes to cause problems. Just like the gut, it can appear in the armpit too.

    Any ecosystem needs balance so that it is healthy. If you avoid the products which can damage the ecosystem you will be able to decrease the smelly bacteria and eliminate them over a period.

    It’s Not Just About Body Odor

    Microbiome research revealed that our whole body is linked to the microbe community. We are still discovering that the gut microbiome has just an effect on digestion, but also on our attention and mood. The connection between our body and the ecosystem is showed through the underarm area.

    Instead of working against the microbiome we should work with them. Start right now with these tricks:

    Use Mild Soaps: If the soap contains strong surfactants like SLS AND SDS or castille soap, then it can eliminate the protective sebum full with good fats that is used to protect the skin. With these soaps the good microbes will have perfect environment for developing.

    No Aluminum: The active ingredient which can restrict the process of sweating is the aluminum. This substance is often linked to many health conditions and many companies which promote the brand as natural use the word “aluminum­free” to show that the formula does not contain this harmful ingredient.

    Avoid Crystal Deodorants: Always check the label, since these deodorant often claim they are aluminum free. You may notice ingredient called “alum” which is still a part of the harmful potassium aluminum sulfate. This may be greater option than other antiperspirants, but it still contains that harmful substances and are not aluminum­free as they claim.

    Be Cautious When Using Strong Antibacterials: These strong antibacterials are mostly parabens and triclosan, which can have destabilizing effect on the microbiome on the armpits and prevent the development of the good bacteria.

  • Early Warning Signs Of Diabetes That We Shouldn’t Ignore

    Diabetes is an interminable illness happens because of insulin emission issue. Diabetes happens in light of pressure, imbalanced eating regimen, or heftiness.


    Type 2 diabetes is the most broadly remembered one, which can be brought about by heftiness, hereditary qualities, a stationary way of life, low great cholesterol, hypertension, or high triglyceride levels. You can encounter issues in the kidneys, eyes, gums, and veins.

    The sugar enters the cells and transforms into vitality in solid individuals. Be that as it may, diabetics hold the sugar in the blood.

    That is the motivation behind why diabetics feel tired regardless of whether they have eaten a decent feast.

    This is the most well-known indication that happens regardless of whether you are resting.

    In the event that you feel very parched, you may have diabetes.

    You should center if your child drinks a ton of fluids and is routinely wet since it is one of the first and most clear signs that your child has diabetes.

    It tends to be joined by the assumption of dry mouth.

    In the event that you have lost a lot of weight without being on an eating regimen, or an exercise schedule, you may have diabetes.

    At the point when there is an excess of sugar in your blood, it can cause fast weight decrease, as much as 5 to 10kg in a couple of months, which is decidedly weird if there is no explanation behind it.

    Insulin remains in the blood, which impacts the body to feel hungry and starts to consume proteins from the muscle as a wellspring of vitality.

    The preposterous requirement for sustenance is another sign of this medical problem and is brought about by changes in sugar levels.

    Expanded craving and the necessity for glucose as a vitality source show up when the dimension of sugar goes down.

    At times, vision issues occur in perspective on that high glucose pulls fluid from the tissue, including the eyes.

    Right, when not treated, diabetes can cause visual crippling, and when you see that your vision is quiet, make sure to visit your pro ASAP.

    Fringe neuropathy is brought about by diabetes.

    In that condition, the shuddering happens first in the feet, and a while later, the sensation spreads all through the legs, and arms.

    Around of people with diabetes have anxious distress, and this is exactly the fundamental symptom of diabetes.

    Dry skin and poor flow may moreover be signs of diabetes.

    The darker skin around the neck or armpit can be a sign of the body’s insulin security and high glucose levels.

    You may have diabetes on the off chance that you see that you have wounds that set aside an excessive amount of effort to recuperate, and you have visit contaminations.

    – Smoking

    – Excessive admissions of sugars, for example, desserts, white sugar, and carbonated juices

    – Physical action

    The perfect way to deal with stay away from and prevent this ailment from advancing is a solid way of life – adjusted eating standard, physical movement, and normal control checks.

  • Here Is How To Detox Your Body Through Your Feet

    There is an ancient Chinese medicine that can help you detox your body through your feet. According to the Chinese system of reflexology, feet have natural energy zones that are connected to every organ system in our body.

    The experts claim that the detox through your feet can be an effective and easy way to help cleanse your body of toxins that build up over time.

    Here are a few methods of detoxification

    1. Ionic Foot Bath

    You can also use ionic foot bath to detoxify your body from toxins. This bath is based on electrolysis, which is a method that uses electrical current to make a chemical reaction.

    You should use warm water to open your pores and salt is used as an anti-inflammatory astringent. Ions are absorbed through the feet and your body is getting a detox. If the salt water becomes dark, that means you are eliminating toxins from your body. There are several forms of this bath:

    2. Salt Detox Bath

    This is the second method, and here is what you need:

    Apple cider vinegar – one cup
    Sea salt – one cup
    Baking soda – two cups
    Epsom salt – one cup
    Two or three drops of some essential oil
    How to prepare the bath?

    Boil one bowl of water. Add sea salt and Epsom salt and stir. Then, use hot water to fill your tub and pour the mixture inside. In the end, add the apple cider vinegar. Your bath is now ready to soak your feet and keep them there for 30 minutes. The toxins will disappear in a natural way.

    3. Clay Detox Bath

    This is the third method, and here is what you need:

    Epsom salt – half a cup
    Bentonite clay – half a cup
    Three or four drops of some essential oil
    How to prepare your bath?

    Boil one pot of water. Add Epsom salt and let it melt. Then, you should add the bentonite clay as well as the essential oil. Keep your feet in this bath for half an hour, and you will get rid of the toxins. Also, your levels of magnesium will be boosted too.

    4. Oxygen Detox Bath

    This is the fourth method, and here is what you need:

    Two cups of hydrogen peroxide
    A tablespoon of powdered ginger
    How to prepare your bath?

    Use hot water to fill your tub. Then, add the ingredients in the tub. Take 30 minutes to soak yourself in the bath. This way you will be able to fight allergies and skin irritations, as well as eliminate toxins.

    5. Foot detox pads

    These pads are usually made from bamboo and tree extracts and you can find them in any health store. These pads, also known as foot detox patches originate from the Japanese culture and it is very easy to use them.

    Applying these pads prior to going to bed and removing them the following morning usually does the trick. Most people say that the pads are darkened with toxins when they remove them. People who use these pads claim that they feel fewer headaches, less joint pain, and less fatigue after using them.