Category: Health and fitness

  • 6 Signs That Your Liver Is Full Of Toxins

    The largest solid organ in the body is the liver and its main function is to transform toxins into waste, and then, the body removes them through urine and feces.

    This is one of the most important functions of our body due to the true fact that today and nowadays we are constantly and each and every day surrounded by pollutants and toxins.

    Very unfortunately, our livers can become very overwhelmed and therefore not capable to remove, which is, to get rid of the waste, that can consequently lead to storage in fat cells, most often in the area of our belly.

    The is naturally an organ that contains fat so therefore there shall be some fat in it at all times, but when the case is that the fat is more than 5 to 10 percent of the total weight of the organ, it results to a fatty liver.

    Two types of fatty livers diseases exist: Non-alcoholic fatty livers disease and alcoholic livers disease.

    The alcoholic livers disease appears as a result of excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, and the non-alcoholic fatty livers disease is a result of some non-alcoholic factors such as high cholesterol, large consumption of processed and fast foods, genetics or chemical influences.

    The symptoms that can indicate a livers in need of detoxification are as below:

    Unexplained weight gain

    If the liver is not 100% working on removing toxins from the body, regular workout and reducing calories won’t be of much help because of the true fact that the body stores the unfiltered toxins in its fat cells. Furthermore, due to the fact that the responsibility of the livers is to metabolize fat, when it doesn’t function properly, the fat circulates from the gut, through the bile and back to the organ.


    If the liver functions properly, it produces antibodies that fight allergens, so if its work is reduced, the allergens are stored into the body. As a response to this, the brain produces histamine which is a chemical that marks the allergens that shall be eliminated, and in high levels leads to allergy symptoms such as itchiness, fogginess and headaches.

    Chronic fatigue

    One of the first and obvious signs of liver damage is feeling weak and tired constantly. When the liver is in poor condition, the body has to work harder and the body will need more rest. This happens due to an increase in toxins in the bloodstream that can not be cleared out due to the fact that the liver can’t get rid of the toxins in a proper manner. If the symptoms are persistent, especially with other early signs of liver damage, please seek medical advice as soon as possible.

    Excessive sweating

    When the liver is overworked, its functioning decreases and the liver warms up. Due to this, as it is a big organ, it transports the heat to the rest of the body parts and gets a try to cool itself by excessive sweating.


    The toxic buildup in the liver most often leads to hormonal imbalance which causes acne. If the acne is a cause of reduced liver function it can’t be treated externally.

    Bad breath

    If your hygiene and oral health are in a good shape, but you still suffer from a bad breath, you might have a liver problem. Please contact a physician in order to be certain.

  • Put 2 Drops Of This In Your Ears And Say Goodbye To Deafness! This Powerful Remedy Will Return Your Hearing

    As a rule, as we age, numerous medical issues show up and a piece of them are likewise sound-related issues show up.

    They don’t scrutinize the age, sex, race nor social state, you can have this issue regardless. That is the reason you have to know how to treat it.

    Here, will introduce you a characteristic curve with garlic that will help you against this issue rapidly and adequately!


    • 3 garlic cloves
    • Olive oil
    • A dropper
    • Cotton or loop


    Peel and wash the garlic. At that point, pour the olive oil over it and abandon it to ingest the fluid for some time.

    Put the got fluid in a dropper and abandon it to rest for the entire day to acquire a superior impact.


    Apply from 2 to 3 drops in each ear and spreads it with the cotton or circle. You will see that little by little you are recuperating your listening ability!

  • With This Oil Your Hair, Eyelashes And Eyebrows Grows Rapidly!

    All of us spend a lot of time n front of the mirror while fixing the hair. This is due to the fact that the look of our hair can make a huge difference in the complete image of us.

    However, a proper care for the hair will make it shiny, healthy, and voluminous. Castor oil is the most beneficial oil for the hair, as it is high in Omega-9 fatty oils which support the health and growth of the hair.

    Moreover, this healthy oil is high in ricinoleic acid which has potent anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, which fight bacteria and fungi and thus accelerates the growth of the hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

    Additionally, this oil is excellent in the case of scars. Castor oil boosts the production of elastin and collagen, moisturizes the skin, and makes it wrinkle-free, rejuvenated, soft, and shiny.

    We recommend the following treatment for hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes:


    • 5 tablespoons of Castor oil
    • 5 tablespoons of Coconut oil/Almond oil


    Due to its natural thickness, castor oil needs to be dissolved in some almond or coconut oil. Therefore, mix the oils and apply their mixture on the scalp, or on the eyebrows and eyelashes, from the roots to the tips of hairs.

    This treatment should be done before going to bed. Leave the mixture to act until the morning, and then wash it off with water.

    You will notice the positive effects of this treatment very soon!

  • Cut a Lemon in 4 and Add Salt. Place it in the Kitchen to Change Your Life!

    According to experts, lemons are one of the healthiest fruits in the whole world because they are rich in minerals, vitamins, and other pivotal nutrients.

    They are known to possess potent medicinal abilities such as fighting off germs, bacteria, and viruses, protecting the hair, skin, and heart, etc.

    We frequently add lemon juice to improve the taste of numerous meals and drinks.

    Beneficial Uses of Lemons

    What you may not have known by now is that lemons are so potent that they can help you eliminate bad odors in the kitchen, where germs and bacteria often develop on some of the surfaces. Here is what you will need to do:

    Take one middle-sized lemon and cut it into 4 parts, but not completely, so that it still holds together. Then, sprinkle a bit of salt on top of it and leave it in the kitchen. The lemon will start releasing a pleasant aroma and suppress the bad odors and remove all bacteria and germs.

    DIY Disinfectant with Lemons

    To avoid exposure to commercial disinfectants filled with different types of adverse chemicals, you should make your own with the help of lemons. You will need lemon juice from 3 lemons mixed with a bit of salt and soap.

    The mixture needs to be poured into a spray bottle. Use it for disinfection of different areas of your home.

  • The Best Exercises For Getting Rid Of That Unwanted Double Chin

    A little weight gain can give you a double chin. Yes, it is true you don’t have to be an overweight person to have a double chin.

    And it looks awful and definitely, everybody wants to get rid of double chin, nobody is interested in keeping it with them.

    Sometimes your double chin can be due to the aging process and your skin becomes saggy over an age. The neck and jaw muscle often lose the tone and makes the skin look loose.

    Whatever be the reason behind the double chin, you must want to reduce it quickly. Here is a simple exercise which will help you to get rid of double chin. It is work of each muscle of your face which will reduce the double chin instantly. Try it

    Exercises for Double Chin

    As explained earlier while talking about chewing gum, exercise helps tone the muscles around your jaws. This alleviates double chin. So, here are some real exercises that you must do if you want to get rid of your double chin.

    1. Lift your Chin

    This chin exercise stretches and tones the muscles of your jaw, neck, and throat.

    • Stand straight.
    • Tilt your neck backward.
    • You must be able to see the ceiling with your neck lying backward.
    • Lift your chin in a way that your lips get closed with a stretching feel on your neck. In a way, you have to pucker your lips tightly.
    • Hold this position for about 5 seconds. You may count 1-5.
    • Let loose your neck.
    • Stretch it again by lifting the chin. Hold for 5 seconds and let loose.
    • Repeat this for 5-8 times.
    • Do this exercise 4-5 times a day at frequent intervals throughout the day.

    2. Platysma Muscle Exercise

    The platysma muscle is there at the front of your neck, under the chin. A sagging platysma muscle gives you an ugly double chin sometimes called ‘turkey neck’.

    A toned platysma muscle group holds your neck and jawline upwards but due to aging, it leads to a drooping chin and sagging jawline.

    Do this exercise to tone up this muscle and get rid of the double chin as well as turkey neck.

    • Stand straight.
    • Pull your lips backward and inwards, against your teeth. Simultaneously, let the corners of your mouth turn downwards.
    • Open your mouth slightly but ensure your lips remain pressed tightly against your teeth and the mouth corners too should remain turned down. You will be able to see the tendons on your neck that will stand out in this stressful position.
    • Now wiggle your lower jaw in this position, up and down.
    • Do this for 5-10 times.

    3. Roll Your Neck

    When you do the neck roll exercise, you not only tone up and stretch your jaw muscles as well as the muscles of throat and neck, but you also release all the tension from your shoulders. With this exercise, not only can you Lose Chin Fatbut of neck and shoulder pain too.

    • Stand or sit straight.
    • Slowly turn your head towards left while inhaling. Try to bring your chin close to your left shoulder.
    • Now, while exhaling, turn your neck towards the right and bring your chin close to the right shoulder.
    • Repeat this for 5-6 times.
    • Now while inhaling bring your neck downwards and touch your chin to your chest.
    • While exhaling, roll your neck backward till you see the ceiling and feel a stretch in your neck.
    • Repeat this for 5-6 times.
    • Gradually increase the repetition cycles from 5-6 to 10-12 over days.
  • 8 Signs That Your Body Is Crying Out For Help

    Your body is an incredible machine. We tend to have this belief that it’s up to someone else to prescribe us medications to make us healthy, but in reality, your body does most of the work.

    And if you’re listening, your body will tell you when things are going wrong. Here are some things to watch out for and what they might mean.

    1. Craving sour foods.

    Craving sour foods is pretty common when your body is going through hormonal changes, like when you’re pregnant. But it can also be an indication that your liver and gall bladder are having trouble keeping up with your body’s demand for them. It may be a good idea to see a doctor and get that checked out if you’re suddenly craving sour foods.

    2. Oral bleeding.

    Bleeding from the gums can be an indication that you’re just not taking care of your oral health all that well. If you floss after not flossing for a year, you might experience a small bit of bleeding.

    But bleeding gums can also be an indicator of a vitamin C deficiency. Before you reach for a supplement, consider getting it from natural sources, like fruits and vegetables.

    3. Sleeplessness and cramping.

    Everyone gets cramps and insomnia sometimes, but if it becomes a persisting issue, it could mean you’re having a little trouble with magnesium.

    Magnesium is an important nutrient for your brain, muscles, and heart health. If you’re experiencing this, visit a doctor and add foods like nuts, leafy greens, bananas, and fruits to your diet.

    4. Craving seafood.

    As we mentioned before, specific food cravings can be a normal part of the hormone changes that occur during pregnancy. Otherwise, craving seafood might indicate that you lack a variety of nutrients and minerals and you may not be getting enough protein.

    If you’re vegetarian or vegan and find yourself craving meat, start a food journal and track your macronutrients. You might not be getting a balanced diet.

    5. Craving sugar.

    Chances are if you’re craving sugar, it means you’ve been eating too much sugar and junk food lately. Sugar is addictive, and junk food has pretty much no nutritional value; thus the name. If you’re craving sugar, combat it by eating a big salad. Give your body what it actually needs. It’s hard but you can retrain your tastes.

    6. Craving sodium.

    Salt is a necessary mineral for having a healthy body, so it’s okay to crave salt sometimes. Craving salty foods can also be a response to infection or inflammation somewhere in the body. Try to eat healthier salt, like Himalayan Pink Salt.

    7. Brittle nails and hair.

    Brittle hair and nails is a fairly common symptom of nutrient and vitamin deficiency. Low B vitamins and calcium can cause your hair and nails to crack and dry. Try eating more whole foods, like whole grain bread, legumes, potatoes, leafy greens, and almond milk.

    8. Persisting dry patches of skin.

    When you’re deficient in vitamin E, it shows in your skin. Your skin is your largest organ and needs to be taken care of well! Vitamin E keeps it healthy. When you’re deficient in vitamin E, it can manifest in cracked, dry, scaly, itchy skin. Try adding some E to your diet through fish oil, nuts, and other healthy oils.

  • 5 Reasons Why Your Stomach Is Bloated and How To Get Rid Of It!

    Bloating is a common health issue that’s not only unpleasant to the eye, but it also causes a lot of discomfort.

    Unfortunately, many people think that bloated is the feeling of having built-up gas in your digestive system that makes your stomach protrude out uncomfortably. They feel full and their stomach is bloated.

    We all know that this is a common problem, which usually occurs after a heavy meal. But, there are some people that feel bloated all the time.

    According to the experts, there are several contributors to this condition and the most common include foods that retain water in the body and slow down digestion.

    1. You don’t drink enough water

    And it’s not just bloating. We all know that many health problems usually appear if you don’t drink enough water every day, especially when you drink coffee or alcohol. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you don’t drink enough water, your organism starts using the liquids it can find, which means that bloating can be caused due to fluid retention.

    1. Constipation 

    Constipation is another common reason for bloating. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you suffer from this problem, you need to add more fiber into your healthy diet. Fiber will help you speed up the process and get rid of bloating. And, make sure you consume small amounts of fiber. Because if you eat too much, it can make the problem even worse.

    1. Stress

    Study CONFIRMS – bloating can be caused by too much stress. How this works – well, when the system is stressed, the brain prevents the digestive system from functioning properly. Also, you may be bloated by constipation and stomach ache. Once you relieve the stress, you will solve the issue with bloating.

    1. You eat too fast 

    The experts warn that if you don’t chew your food properly, the body will process it more slowly and bloating may appear. How to fix this problem?! Well, that’s easy – try to eat your food in small bites.

    1. Carbs 

    Bloating can occur if you consume too much carbs. And, don’t worry, because you can solve this problem by eating low-carb foods. Also, replace sugar and alcohol with vegetable and fruit.

  • 4 Effective Ways to Remove Tonsil Stones Without Surgery

    The little white spots you can see on your tonsils at the back of the throat are not called tonsil stones, and are in charge of an assortment of oral issues including terrible breath.

    Tonsil stones create because of aggregation of microbes, bodily fluid, skin cells and nourishment stores in the tonsil openings.

    They are typically yellow or white in shading and have a squishy surface. Tonsil stones can prompt throat diseases, awful breath, trouble gulping and couple of other oral issues.

    As a rule, individuals with bigger tonsils and those with intermittent tonsil contaminations are increasingly inclined to tonsil stones. Poor oral cleanliness can likewise prompt tonsil stones, which is the reason you should give more consideration to your oral wellbeing.

    The stones are typically evacuated precisely, however the methodology doesn’t ensure that they won’t be back a short time later.

    There’s another issue too by expelling your tonsils, you are evacuating a fundamental piece of the safe framework that counteracts the passageway of microbes in the body.

    Fortunately, there are many straightforward methodology which can evacuate your tonsil stones effectively.

    Here are the best ones:

    1. Q-tips

    Take a perfect q-tip and push the tonsil stones with slight weight so as to expel them from the pockets. Do this until they’re removed, at that point continue pushing until they fly out.

    2. Dental water system syringes

    Dental water systems syringes can evacuate further tonsil stones and are simpler to use than q-tips. Keep them top down to make the stones tumble off out of the mouth. The fluid in the syringes ought to be produced using 3% hydrogen peroxide and a touch of water. Hydrogen peroxide will expel the stones successfully and clean the territory too.

    3. Oral irrigator

    This gadget is an extraordinary programmed method for evacuating tonsil stones. Position the spout of the gadget straightforwardly at the stones, set it at the least setting and flame away. Be delicate however – a lot of weight from the gadget can hurt your tonsils.

    4. Oral probiotics

    Taking probiotics, for example, S. Salivarius 12 will work incredible against tonsil stones. It’s ideal to open up a probiotic container and blend it with 4 oz. of warm water. Rinse the blend in your mouth close to the tonsil stones – tilt your head back in the event that you can’t achieve the spot. This will oust the stones and make them fall our simpler. Biting gum or washing toothpaste in the territory around the tonsils can likewise influence the procedure to go simpler.


    We as a whole know the significance of keeping up a solid weight, and in this way, we as a whole endeavor to lose some weight. In any case, now and again, this point isn’t that simple to accomplish.

    Despite the fact that you’ve removed unfortunate sustenance from your eating regimen and began to work out, that abundance pounds may not leave. One of the real reasons may be your stomach related framework.


    Assimilation issues, for example, moderate defecations, heartburn, stoppage, and so on are one of the real offenders for weight pick up on the grounds that they permit fat and poisons gather in the body.

    Solid discharges ought to in a perfect world happen one-two hours after a feast, or even a few times per day. The purpose behind moderate solid discharges can be a few drugs, drying out, absence of fiber, and great vegetation inadequacy in the gut.

    Moreover, stoppage is a condition when the body experiences issues in discharging the guts, and furthermore, solidify dung. This issue might be an aftereffect of low fiber, a few medicines, bad tempered inside disorder, over the top utilization of intestinal medicines, put off heading off to the latrine, parchedness, and colon issues.

    To wrap things up, heartburn, is a condition when individuals encounter agony and inconvenience in the stomach because of troubles in processing nourishment. It can be caused by reactions of specific solutions, heartburn illness, pancreatic.

    Hence, keeping your gastrointestinal framework healthy may fundamentally add to weight reduction. Thus, we give you a formula for the best vitamin serving of mixed greens that is a characteristic cure that treats these issues.

    The accompanying serving of mixed greens will clean the fecal fat in the entrails, flush out poisons from the body, give all that anyone could need fiber, and adjust the pH level in the body. Have this serving of mixed greens for supper 3 days in succession and you will be astounded by the outcomes!






    Lemon juice

    Vegetable oil

    Seasonings (discretionary)


    The technique for arrangement is extremely basic. You should simply grind 3 sections of cabbage, 1 part of beet, and 1 part of carrots. At that point, include some flavoring herbs on the off chance that you incline toward so. Next, blend the fixings well and inclu

  • How Your Finger Shape Determines Your Personality (And Your Health Risks)

    Your personality can be determined by the shape of your fingers and it’s 100% true. If you don’t believe it, you can continue reading this article and choose the shape of your finger?

    If the shape of your finger is like the one with finger A in the image here is your personality:
    You are not showing much emotion and with that you want for everyone to think that you are strong and cool.

    Although you don’t show much emotion you are emotional type and once you get to know anyone you will be very nice to that person.

    Like we said you are emotional type so that means that you really care about your loved ones but you can really cold towards the people you are not close to.You never quit no matter the task so you always try to finish it even if you hate doing that.

    Also, you enjoy in helping to people that really need help and with that you are a person with big heart.

    If the shape of your finger is like the one with finger B in the image here is your personality:
    You are big dreamer. You always dream about the true love and you dream about someone who will understand you and love you just the way you are.

    Because you dream of that – that makes you very loyal once you fall in love with someone and you always think about them first.

    When something goes through your head and you decide that that is the right thing to do, you will do it no matter what.

    Although you are very sensitive person you appear to be strong and independent person.

    If the shape of your finger is like the one with finger C in the image here is your personality:
    You will never stick to someone or something if that is making you really angry.

    Also, you don’t want to try new things and with that you hate challenges.

    You don’t open very much to other people, so you like to keep your problems and feelings only for yourself.

    But although you don’t open to people very much, you like when someone puts their trust in you and you like when someone is depending on you.

    Also, you are a person with soft heart that easily forgives to people.